A652D61283A6C9368725895E0071AE1D Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For HB23-1157HOUSE COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARYDate Feb 22, 2023 Location Old State Library HB23-1157 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/183440B040AA...$File/Attachment A.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/66C4788CEACB...$File/Attachment B.pdf?OpenElement Attachment B.pdf 01:41:45 PM Representatives Joseph and Weinberg, prime sponsors, presented House Bill 23-1157, concerning the Uniform Unregulated Child Custody Transfer Act." Representative Joseph explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. Representative Weinberg provided additional information on the merits of the bill. Committee members received two fact sheets supporting the bill (Attachment A). 01:47:56 PM Katie Smith, representing herself, testified on the bill from an "amend" perspective. Ms. Smith responded to questions regarding the impact of her proposed amendments on charitable groups who assume custody of a child. 01:53:17 PM Ms Anne McGihon, representing the Colorado Uniform Law Commission, testified in support of the bill. Libby Snyder, representing Uniform Law Commission, testified in support of the bill. Korey Elger, representing Colorado Department of Human Services, testified in support of the bill. Ms. McGihon responded to questions regarding the stakeholder process in crafting HB 23-1157. 02:07:12 PM Representatives Wienberg and Joseph explained the effect of amendment L.001 (Attachment B). 02:08:45 PM Motion Adopt amendment L.001 Moved Snyder Seconded Garcia Armagost Daugherty Evans Garcia Kipp Luck Marshall Martinez Snyder Soper Woodrow Bacon Weissman YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection 02:08:47 PM Representative Joseph and Weinberg provided closing remarks in support of HB 23-1157. Discussion ensued regarding the Uniform Law Commission. 02:11:28 PM Motion Refer House Bill 23-1157, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. Moved Snyder Seconded Garcia Armagost Yes Daugherty Yes Evans Yes Garcia Yes Kipp Yes Luck Yes Marshall Yes Martinez Yes Snyder Yes Soper Yes Woodrow Yes Bacon Yes Weissman Yes Final YES: 13 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS