11:16:54 AM |
Mark Kling, Executive Director of the Family
Resource Center Association (FRCA), came to the table to begin his presentation.
Copies of his presentation and a handout were distributed to the
committee [Attachments B and C]. Mr. Kling spoke about the mission
of the FRCA, and thanked the committee for a letter it provided to the
Joint Budget Committee to support funding for Family Resource Centers (FRCs)
for family support case management. He explained that the FRCA uses
a two-gen approach to provide multiple services and supports to families
through strengths-based, comprehensive, coordinated case management, acts
as a family-friendly access point to the wider community, is tailored to
the culture, resources, and needs of each community, and works one-on-one
with families to help them set and achieve transformative goals. He
said there are 10 FRCs that are currently receiving state funding. Mr.
Kling explained that FRCs are statutorily required to provide comprehensive
family support and case management, system navigation and resource referral,
parenting education, financial literacy, early childhood education, adult
education, workforce development, a food pantry, and emergency services.