95BD0E624E039708872588C500600189 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For VOTE ON BILL REQUESTSINTERIM COMMITTEE WATER RESOURCES AND AGRICULTURE REVIEW COMMITTEEDate Sep 22, 2022 Location HCR 0112 Vote on Bill Requests - Committee Discussion Only 11:28:39 AM The committee reconvened. All drafted bills are available online here: https://leg.colorado.gov/content/iwrarc2022alegislation 11:50:03 AM Representative McCormick presented Bill 1, concerning xeriscaping in HOA communities, and withdrew the bill from committee consideration so that the sponsors could continue to work on the bill before the session. 11:51:43 AM Representative McLachlan presented Bill 2, concerning water literacy education in public schools, and withdrew the bill from committee consideration. Representative McCormick noted that Bill 3, Bill 4, and Bill 6 would also be withdrawn from committee consideration. 11:54:17 AM Representative McKean presented Bill 8, concerning the creation of a task force on high-altitude water storage. 11:57:00 AM Motion Adopt Bill 8 as an interim bill of the Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee. Moved McKean Seconded Bridges Bridges Yes Catlin Excused Gonzales Yes McKean Yes McLachlan Yes Roberts Yes Simpson Yes Sonnenberg Yes Donovan Yes McCormick Yes YES: 9 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 11:57:01 AM Sponsors of Bill 8 will be Representatives McKean and McLachlan and Senators Bridges and Simpson, and the bill will be introduced in the House. The committee allowed the drafters to make technical changes to the bill as necessary. 11:59:05 AM Senator Sonnenberg presented Bill 9, concerning requirements for water and air quality rulemaking by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. He withdrew the bill from committee consideration. 11:59:47 AM Senator Simpson presented Bill 10, concerning turning the Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee into a year-round committee. 12:02:34 PM Motion Adopt Bill 10 as an interim bill of the Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee. Moved Simpson Seconded Bridges Bridges Yes Catlin Excused Gonzales Yes McKean Yes McLachlan Yes Roberts Yes Simpson Yes Sonnenberg Yes Donovan Yes McCormick Yes YES: 9 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 12:02:42 PM Senators Simpson and Bridges and Representatives McLachlan and McKean will sponsor Bill 10, which will be introduced in the Senate. Representative McCormick requested to be added as a sponsor, and the committee allowed the drafters to make technical changes as necessary. 12:04:10 PM Senator Donovan presented Bill 11, concerning presentations to the General Assembly on interstate water compacts. She withdrew Bill 11 from committee consideration. Committee members commented on Bill 11. 12:05:40 PM Representative McCormick and committee members gave closing remarks.