Date Feb 10, 2020
Location SCR 352
SB20-059 - Lay Over
01:42:38 PM |
Senator Hisey, sponsor, explained Senate Bill 20-059, concerning sexual assault on a student by an educator. He asked that the bill be laid over to work on amendments, but requested that testimony be taken during the current hearing. He discussed how the bill intends to address 18-year-olds in a high school setting and only applies to positions of trust, such as educators and coaches.
01:49:44 PM |
Dawn Khederian, representing herself, testified in favor of the measure. She described a situation between her 18- year-old daughter and a teacher.
Amber Khederian, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed power imbalances.
01:59:19 PM |
Amanda Gall, representing the Colorado District Attorneys' Council, testified from a neutral position on the bill. She noted that she is working with the bill sponsor on an amendment to narrow the language and align it with statutes regarding abuse of public trust.
Maureen Cain, representing the Office of the State Public Defender, testified from a neutral position on the bill. She discussed that she is working with interested parties on an amendment.
Committee members asked questions about relationships of trusts and forthcoming amendments.
02:05:04 PM |
Linda Alderman, representing herself, spoke in favor of the bill. She discussed the importance of protecting students and reporting requirements regarding improper conduct.
Kim Davis, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed ways to improve the reporting process and non-disclosure agreements.
Senator Hisey said he would work with stakeholders on a proposed amendment.
The chair announced that the bill will be a for action only item at the next Senate Judiciary meeting on February 12, 2020.