03:10:19 PM |
Senator Merrifield, sponsor, presented Senate Bill 18-118 which concerns restoring the authority of a school district board of education to approve a charter school. He distributed a handout to the committee members [Attachment D].
03:17:07 PM |
Senator Merrifield answered questions from the committee.
03:19:42 PM |
Brad Rupert, member of the Jefferson County Board of Education, spoke in support of the bill. He answered questions from the committee.
03:27:25 PM |
Mr. Rupert continued to answer questions from the committee.
03:45:45 PM |
Wendy Vogel, Vice President of the Douglas County Board of Education, spoke in support of the bill.
03:48:28 PM |
Cathy Kipp, representing the Poudre School District Board of Education, spoke in support of the bill.
03:51:20 PM |
The preceding two witnesses answered questions from the committee.
04:01:55 PM |
Dan Schaller, representing the Colorado
League of Charter Schools, spoke in opposition to the bill. He distributed
a handout [Attachment E].
04:07:50 PM |
Tim Farmer, representing himself as legal counsel to charter schools, spoke in opposition to the bill. He discussed his experience in the charter school appeal process.
04:12:31 PM |
Chase Bongirno, representing Great Work
Montessori, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:14:38 PM |
The proceeding three witnesses answered questions from the committee.
04:21:48 PM |
Former Senator Sue Windels, representing the Colorado Parent Teacher Association, spoke in support of the bill.
04:29:40 PM |
Nate Golich, Director of Government Affairs for the Colorado Education Association, spoke in support of the bill.
04:32:17 PM |
Tim Krug, representing himself as a parent, spoke in support of the bill.
04:35:10 PM |
The preceding witnesses answered questions from the committee.
04:48:15 PM |
Pam Benigno, representing the Independence Institute, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:53:26 PM |
Shari Shiffer-Krieger, representing Americans for Prosperity, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:55:44 PM |
Luke Ragland, representing Colorado Succeeds, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:58:48 PM |
The preceding witnesses answered questions from the committee.
05:25:21 PM |
Kathy Plomer, representing the Adams 12 Board of Education, spoke in support of the bill.
05:29:30 PM |
Sally Kate Tinch, representing herself as a member of a District Accountability Committee, spoke in support of the bill.
05:33:07 PM |
James Earley, representing himself as a member of a District Accountability Committee, spoke in support of the bill.
05:35:23 PM |
Allen Lindeman, representing himself, spoke
in support of the bill.
05:39:11 PM |
The preceding witnesses answered questions from the committee.
05:51:22 PM |
Cheryl Condon, representing Americans for Prosperity, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:55:54 PM |
Kim Monson, representing herself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:58:21 PM |
The preceding witnesses answered questions
from the committee. Senator Hill laid the bill over for action only
until Wednesday, February 21, upon adjournment.