9478C11227B481D487258BBD0052FAE5 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY PANELINTERIM COMMITTEE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IMPACT TASK FORCEDate Oct 21, 2024 Location Old State Library Business and Technology Panel - Committee Discussion Only 09:06:24 AM Ruthie Barko, TechNet, gave the following presentation to the committee: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/technet_presentation.pdf The presentation included information on TechNet, legislation addressing AI, members of TechNet, and proposed improvements to SB 24-205. 09:21:10 AM Simon Morrison, Amazon, gave a presentation to the task force detailing Amazon's use of AI. Mr. Morrison provided information on the use of AI for personalized shopping, warehouse order filling, and Amazon Web Services. The presentation continued with AI considerations being taken by Amazon and recommendations on changes to SB 24-205. 09:25:11 AM Danielle Gilliam-Moore, Salesforce, gave a presentation to the committee. The presentation included information on what Salesforce does, customer data protections, generative AI for customers, and the impacts of SB24-205. 09:31:32 AM Alice Friend, Google, presented to the task force on Google in Colorado, investments in AI, the various sectors within the company using AI, and recommendations for AI legislation and rulemaking. 09:38:02 AM Presenters responded to questions from the task force on topics such as substantial factor language, the Colorado Privacy Act, compliance staffing, hiring practices and other U.S. state legislation. Senator Rodriguez made comments to the committee.