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84F658E742AC0929872587720057839E Hearing Summary


Date Oct 18, 2021      
Location Old State Library

Local Governments and ARPA Funds - Committee Discussion Only

09:55:57 AM  

The panelists from the Special District Association (SDA) began the presentation on local governments.  Materials provided by the SDA can be found in Attachment B.   Ann Terry, Executive Director, Special District Association, noted that special districts were direct recipients of American Rescue Plan Act funding, and she described how special districts have been affected by reduced revenue.

10:03:01 AM  
Fire Chief Don Lambardi, West Metro Fire
Rescue, discussed funding for fire agencies during and after the pandemic
and the resulting impact on services. He discussed how supply chain and
manufacturing issues have affected the fire fleet, the cost and availability
of equipment, and the ability to provide fire services. He responded to
questions from the committee regarding vehicle miles traveled.
10:09:29 AM  

Yvonne Fischbach, Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District, provided testimony to the task force regarding the importance of public parks and recreation areas (Attachment C). She asked the taskforce to approve reimbursement funding for special districts and noted that the pandemic dramatically affected the use of parks and recreation areas across the state. She discussed how the pandemic affected fee-based operations, and specifically highlighted the impact of the pandemic on Water World. She continued by discussing the revenue loss for parks and recreation districts and the potential continuing impacts.

10:15:19 AM  
Sherrie Baca, Pueblo City-County Library
District, discussed the impact of the pandemic on library operations in
the Pueblo County Library District. She discussed staffing shortages and
how that may affect library services.

Ms. Terry responded to questions from
the task force regarding collaborating with counties and municipalities
to share ARPA funding. She noted that only 2.6 percent of counties and
cities were considering spending funding to support special districts,
and noted that local governments also suffered pandemic-related revenue
losses. The taskforce discussed potential reductions in property tax revenue.
10:24:57 AM  

Kevin Bommer, Colorado Municipal League, explained that municipalities around Colorado have delayed or cancelled infrastructure projects as a result of the pandemic, and the costs for these projects have dramatically increased.

10:34:12 AM  
John Swartout, Colorado Counties Inc, spoke
regarding the impact of the pandemic on counties, and discussed property
tax revenue. He noted that local governments have been advised to use ARPA
funding to address immediate needs, andas well as to invest in long-term
investments through regional partnerships.
10:40:51 AM  

Mr. Bommer responded to questions from the task force regarding wastewater projects and projections of need. Ms. Terry discussed data regarding projects for water, sewer, and broadband, and noted that it is a great time for investment in infrastructure.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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