82BF29D1AC0945C8872582EA00581ACE Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2018A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For FPPA UPDATEINTERIM COMMITTEE PENSION REVIEW COMMISSIONDate Aug 15, 2018 Location xLSB B FPPA Update - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment A http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2018A/commsumm.nsf/0/E463EDA4EC60...$File/Attachment A - FPPA Presentation.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A - FPPA Presentation.pdf 10:02:21 AM Dan Slack, Executive Director for the Fire and Police Pension Association (FPPA), distributed copies of his presentation to committee members [Attachment A]. He provided an overview of the FPPA benefit plans, including benefit adjustments in the defined benefit plan, death and disability plans, and the statewide hybrid plan. 10:09:36 AM Mr. Slack answered questions regarding the increase in the number of disabilities for individuals covered under FPPA, specifically orthopedic injuries. He also answered questions regarding the increase of wildfires and the impact on the firefighter communities. 10:14:24 AM Mr. Slack answered questions regarding the population increase in Colorado and the impact on the firefighting force. He also answered questions regarding the decrease in membership in the death and disability plan. 10:18:00 AM Mr. Slack answered questions regarding the creation of an FPPA task force to provide recommendations on pensions and contribution plans. He also answered questions regarding the investment returns. Mr. Slack discussed the coverage of mental health. 10:23:00 AM Kevin Lindahl, General Counsel for the FPPA, discussed the changing demographics of the FPPA membership. He also discussed the history of the FPPA and the changes to the benefits and contributions. 10:33:10 AM Mr. Lindahl continued to discuss the history of FPPA. 10:39:25 AM Mr. Lindahl answered questions from the committee regarding FPPA membership reentry. 10:49:14 AM Mr. Lindahl also answered questions regarding contribution increases and survivor benefits. 10:52:04 AM Scott Simon, Chief Investment Officer for FPPA, discussed the FPPA assets. He also spoke on investments, stock, hedge fund, private equity, and bond strategies. 10:59:27 AM Mr. Simon answered question from the committee regarding different equity investment types. He also spoke on stock volatility and risk assumptions.