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7EDD37E73554F832872586DA0078B889 Hearing Summary


Date May 19, 2021      
Location LSB A

HB21-1308 - Postponed Indefinitely

03:58:37 PM  
Representatives Gray
and Larson, co-prime sponsors, introduced House Bill 21-1308 concerning
administrative procedures of property taxation.  The bill proposes
increasing public participation in changing manuals, as well as changing
the notice of valuation to  include a range of values.  The bill
also requires the assessor to correct systematic errors and extends deadlines
to protest and appeal real and personal property valuations.  Public
comments for the bill are included (Attachment A).

04:00:10 PM
Motion Postpone House Bill 21-1308 indefinitely.
Moved Gray
Seconded Larson
Boesenecker Yes
Catlin Yes
Froelich Yes
Hooton Excused
Larson Yes
Pico Yes
Sullivan Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Winkle No
Gray Yes
Exum Yes
Final YES: 9   NO: 1   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS