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7C0D4B6220DEB82387258744006A8FB1 Hearing Summary


Date Sep 2, 2021      
Location Old Supreme Court

Environmental and Health Impacts of Wildfire - Committee Discussion Only

01:24:01 PM  
The committee came back to order.
01:28:39 PM  
Christy Richardson, State Toxicologist, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), testified regarding the public health impacts of wildfire smoke, and strategies to alleviate health impacts of smoke. Scott Landis, CDPHE, discussed air quality monitoring and forecasting in Colorado, and public health advisories.
01:42:44 PM  
Coleen Campbell,
CDPHE, discussed open burning and the smoke management program.  She
discussed permitting for smoke management and non-standard projects.  Dr.
Richardson discussed the health impacts of wildfire-affected water with
bacterial and chemical contaminants.  Tyson Ingels, CDPHE, presented
on tracking wildfire impacts to water and wastewater systems.  He
discussed numerous water quality and watershed impacts from wildfire, and
the post fire recovery response.  

02:10:25 PM  
The presenters responded to committee questions.
02:29:55 PM  
Michael Ruddock,
Healthy Air and Water Colorado, presented on mental health and firefighters.
 He described fire fighter suicide rates and mental health issues.
 Melissa Lineberger, Division of Fire Prevention and Control, DPS,
discussed wildland firefighters and the unique challenges that firefighters
face.  She described a peer support program. grant funding to local
firefighters for mental health resources, and nonprofits working on firefighter
mental health.  
02:45:21 PM  
Mr. Ruddock responded to committee questions, and continued his presentation. He discussed efforts in other state and across the country regarding mental health supports for firefighters. Ms. Lineberger and Mr. Ruddock responded to committee questions.