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7010596BE8694BA587258AEB006B7874 Hearing Summary


Date Mar 25, 2024      
Location HCR 0107

SB24-161 - Referred to House Appropriations

01:33:53 PM  
Representative Lukens,
bill co-prime sponsor, introduced and gave opening comments on Senate Bill
24-161. The bill makes a variety of changes to certain fees, requirements,
and procedures related to licenses and passes issued by Colorado Parks
and Wildlife.  
01:37:43 PM  
Danielle Isenhart,
representing Colorado Parks and Wildlife, testified in support of the bill.
01:42:11 PM  
Representative Soper,
bill co-prime sponsor, provided comments on the bill.
01:42:36 PM  
Representative Lukens provided closing comments on the bill.

01:45:12 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 24-161 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Lukens
Seconded McCormick
Holtorf Yes
Lindsay Excused
Lukens Yes
Lynch Yes
Martinez Yes
Marvin Yes
McLachlan Yes
Story Excused
Titone Yes
Velasco Excused
Winter T. Yes
Catlin Yes
McCormick Yes
Final YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS