10:32:28 AM |
Senator Exum introduced
Senate Bill 24-050, concerning workforce development pilot programs. The
bill creates the Colorado Workforce Demonstration Grants pilot program
in the Office of Economic Development to provide grants to eligible providers
for workforce training programs.
10:34:20 AM |
Ms. Sasha Easton, representing Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center & Arapahoe County, testified to amend the bill.
10:38:03 AM |
Mr. Roger Low, representing The Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative (CEEMI), testified in support of the bill.
10:42:32 AM |
Mr. Mikel Bishop, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
10:45:05 AM |
Ms. Allison Stepnitz, representing BuildStrong Academy of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
10:47:30 AM |
Ms. Lauren Trent, representing AdvanceEDU, testified in support of the bill.
10:50:09 AM |
Ms. Hannah Fernandez, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
10:52:34 AM |
Mr. Josh Ryken, representing
CrossPurpose, testified in support of the bill. He responded to questions
from the commmittee.
11:03:50 AM |
Ms. Valerie Greenhagen,
representing the Center for Employment Opportunities, testified in support
of the bill.
11:03:55 AM |
Ms. Drea Modugn,
representing the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, testified in support
of the bill.
11:06:37 AM |
Ms. Helen Young Hayes, representing ActivateWork Inc., testified in support of the bill.
11:09:30 AM |
Mr. Bijendra Bista, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
11:12:14 AM |
Ms. Katie Zaback, representing Colorado Succeeds, testified in support of the bill.
11:14:13 AM |
Senator Exum made closing comments on the merits of the bill.
11:19:44 AM |
The committee members made closing comments on the merits of the bill.
11:24:23 AM
Motion |
Refer Senate Bill 24-050 to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Danielson |
Seconded |
Baisley |
No |
Coleman |
Yes |
Ginal |
Yes |
Liston |
No |
Sullivan |
Yes |
Hinrichsen |
Excused |
Danielson |
Yes |
Final |