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62D31F8EC409A51A8725826D0061BFE1 Hearing Summary


Date Apr 12, 2018      
Location LSB A

SB18-196 - Postponed Indefinitely

11:47:42 AM  

Representative Ransom, bill sponsor, presented Senate Bill 18-196. Under current law, motor vehicle registrations expire on the last day of the month at the end of each 12-month registration period. A 30-day grace period is granted before late fees are assessed. If a vehicle is not registered with the Department of Revenue within the timeframe required by law, the vehicle owner is subject to a late fee of $25 for each month.  The total late fee is capped at $100. The bill repeals the late vehicle registration fee for all motor vehicle types, as of January 1, 2019.

11:57:30 AM  
Kirk Fry, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
12:00:05 PM  
Morgan Cullen, Colorado Municipal League, testified in opposition to the bill.
12:01:55 PM  
Tony Lombard, Colorado Counties, Inc., testified in opposition to the bill.
12:03:42 PM  

Dennis Haberstumpf, ABATE of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.

12:06:09 PM  
Terry Powell, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
12:11:05 PM  
Representative Ransom made concluding remarks regarding the bill. Committee members commented on the bill.

12:20:44 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 18-196 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Williams D.
Seconded Humphrey
Benavidez No
Hooton No
Humphrey Yes
Leonard Yes
Melton No
Weissman No
Williams D. Yes
Lontine No
Foote No
YES: 3   NO: 6   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

12:20:56 PM
Motion Postpone Senate Bill 18-196 indefinitely using a reversal of the previous roll call. There was no objection to the use of the reverse roll call, therefore, the bill was postponed indefinitely.
Moved Melton
Seconded Lontine
Benavidez Yes
Hooton Yes
Humphrey No
Leonard No
Melton Yes
Weissman Yes
Williams D. No
Lontine Yes
Foote Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS