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62181F33BB2D14FD87258274006D3DFB Hearing Summary


Date Apr 19, 2018      
Location SCR 357

HB18-1157 - Committee Discussion Only

01:53:14 PM  

The committee returned from recess.  Senator Fenberg, prime sponsor, discussed the provisions of House Bill 18-1157 concerning reporting requirements for oil and gas incidents.  He also distributed oil and gas accident reports from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission [Attachments D and E].  The bill increases the information that oil and gas operators are required to report for all minor and major reportable events.  Such events include the unauthorized release of oil, produced water, oilfield chemicals, or exploration or production waste, the  flaring or venting of gases or other uncontrolled releases, and worker injury or death.  Regardless of the location of the event, oil and gas operators are required to report each major and minor occurrence.  The bill specifies the types of incidents that constitute both a major and minor reportable event.  For each event, the notification must include an immediate oral report submitted to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC), and a complete written report submitted within five days to the commission's  website, and using the commission's reportable event form.  The bill specifies the detailed data that operators must report for each event.  The COGCC is required to make all notifications and reports publicly available on its website in a database that is searchable by operator, location, type of event, date, and other criteria established by rule.  The website must also include a summary report of major and minor reportable events.

01:57:01 PM  
Connie Beach, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.
02:00:58 PM  
Joan Stearns, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.
02:03:48 PM  

Jean Lim, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill and distributed a handout that shows the number of homes near proposed oil and gas well pads in Broomfield [Attachment F]. She also responded to questions from the committee about recent oil and gas spills and accidents in Colorado.

02:12:47 PM  

Jim Martin, Colorado Petroleum Council, spoke in opposition to the bill and discussed the current COGCC regulations concerning reporting of oil and gas spills and accidents.  He also responded to questons from the committee about potential amendments to the bill and the reason for the Colorado Petroleum Council's opposition to the bill.

02:16:46 PM  
Laura Sellers, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.
02:18:26 PM  
Lizzie Lario, representing herself, spoke
in support of the bill and discussed recent oil and gas spills and accidents.
02:21:49 PM  
John Dulles, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill and expressed concern about proposed oil and gas wells in or near his community.
02:28:43 PM  
Morgan Cullen, Colorado Municipal League,
spoke in support of the bill.  He also responded to questions from
the committee about the local emergency responses to oil and gas spills.
02:30:09 PM  
Sophia Guerrero Murphy, Conservation Colorado, spoke in support of the bill and expressed concern about oil and gas development in or near residential communities in Colorado.
02:32:59 PM  
Doug Vilsak, Legislative Liaison for the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, spoke in support of the bill.
02:37:23 PM  

Scott Prestidge, Colorado Oil and Gas Association, spoke in opposition to the bill and distributed a copy of his testimony [Attachment G] and table that compares the COGCC's current report requirements and the requirements in House Bill 18-1157 [Attachment H].  He also responded to questions from the committee about potential amendments to the bill and accident information reported by oil and gas operators.

02:40:43 PM  

Sara Loflin, Director, League of Oil and Gas Impacted Coloradans (LOGIC), spoke in support of the bill and expressed concern about oil and gas development near residences.

02:48:58 PM  
The chair closed testimony and laid the
bill over for final action later in the meeting.  The committee recessed.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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