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56D6EEDCB688525287258ACC0074F001 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 23, 2024      
Location SCR 357

Visitor Services Update - Committee Discussion Only

02:17:20 PM  
Mr. Lee informed
the committee that he has been in touch with a member of the public who
indicated they were in possession of original building items and asked
about returning these items to the Capitol.  

02:18:14 PM  
Amanda Clapham, Visitor
Services, introduced Virginia Sanchez, author, to the committee.  Ms.
Sanchez is the author of a book that the vistor services office would like
to sell in the gift shop.  
02:21:48 PM  
Ms. Sanchez responded to questions from the committee.
02:24:24 PM  
Ms. DiPrince provided
additional comments vouching for the work of Ms. Sanchez.

02:25:22 PM
Motion Approve inclusion of Pleas and Petitions: Hispano Culture and Legislative Conflict in Territorial Colorado by Virginia Sanchez for sale in the Visitor Services gift shop.
Moved Lindstedt
Maria Garcia Berry
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto Excused
Vanessa Reilly
Lois Court (Chair)
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
02:26:04 PM  
Ms. Clapham presented
to the committee on a proposal to reproduce a plaque for Mt. Blue Sky after
the name change from Mt. Evans. Ms. Clapham provided written materials
to the committee that can be found as Attachment B.  
02:26:46 PM  
Natalie Castle, Director,
Legislative Council Staff, provided comments about funding options for
the plaque change.
02:28:28 PM  
Committee discussion continued regarding funds for a plaque needed for the residential portrait, as well as the Mt. Blue Sky plaque.

02:40:12 PM
Motion Approve funding of a plaque for portrait of President Biden and Mt. Blue Sky name change plaque using Legislative department cash fund account
Moved Lindstedt
Maria Garcia Berry
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto Excused
Vanessa Reilly
Lois Court (Chair)
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
02:40:15 PM  
Ms. Castle provided additional comments on funds options.