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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

54E212FD51528BC2872583EC00069E4E Hearing Summary


Date Apr 29, 2019      
Location SCR 357

HB19-1226 - Committee Discussion Only

07:13:08 PM  

Senator Lee, sponsor, presented House Bill 19-1226. The bill repeals, reenacts, and amends various statutes related to bail, bond hearings, and pretrial services.

07:14:05 PM  

Maureen Cain, representing the Office of the State Public Defender, testified in support of the bill.

07:19:12 PM  

Chris Ryan, Colorado State Court Administrator representing the Judicial Department, testified in support of the bill.

07:22:15 PM  

Stan Hilkey, representing the Colorado Department of Public Safety, testified in support of the bill.

07:24:38 PM  

Joe Thome, Director of the Division of Criminal Justice, Department of Public Safety, testified in support of the bill.

07:25:01 PM  

Ms. Cain and Mr. Hilkey responded to questions from the committee.

07:34:04 PM  

Jeff Clayton, representing the American Bail Coalition, testified against the bill.

07:37:01 PM  

Robert Southey, representing Bankers Insurance Company, testified against the bill.

07:41:02 PM  

Steven Rickett, representing himself, testified against the bill.

07:41:17 PM  

Tom Remy, representing himself, testified against the bill and provided a written copy of his testimony (Attachment F).

07:46:58 PM  

The panel of witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

07:47:11 PM  

Katie Biorn, representing herself, testified against the bill.

07:54:48 PM  

Erik Johnson, representing himself, testified against the bill.

07:55:07 PM  

David Widnalm, representing himself, testified against the bill.

07:57:21 PM  

Mark Spensieri, representing himself, testified against the bill.

08:01:23 PM  

The panel of witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

08:01:35 PM  

Dennis Blackwell, representing himself, testified against the bill.

08:07:10 PM  

Bobby Brown, representing himself, testified against the bill.

08:11:18 PM  

David Wood, representing himself, testified against the bill.

08:21:04 PM  

The panel of witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

08:27:20 PM  

Chris Creighton, Legislative Council Staff, responded to questions from the committee about the bill's fiscal note.

The chair laid the bill over for final action later in the meeting.