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3962A95F90446C998725824F006B367F Hearing Summary


Date Mar 13, 2018      
Location LSB A

SB18-173 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

01:31:06 PM  
Representative Herod introduced Senate
Bill 17-173.  Under current law, certain liquor licensees may sell
one opened and resealed container of wine to a customer to be consumed
off the licensed premises, as long as the container does not exceed 750
milliliters of wine and the licensee has meals available for consumption.
 The bill clarifies that the specified licensees may instead have
sandwiches and light snacks available for consumption.  Representative
Herod responded to questions from the committee.
01:33:45 PM  
Michael Barton, Continental Divide Winery
and the Colorado Association for Viticulture and Enology (CAVE), testified
in support of the bill.  He responded to questions from the committee.
01:38:27 PM  
Representative Herod gave concluding remarks regarding the bill.

01:40:13 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 18-173 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Gray
Seconded Van Winkle
Arndt Yes
Coleman Yes
Garnett Yes
Gray Yes
Liston Yes
Rosenthal Yes
Sandridge Yes
Sias Yes
Thurlow Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Williams D. Yes
Winter Yes
Kraft-Tharp Yes
Final YES: 13   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS