28CE862A33BFB46487258B0000787545 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For HB24-1330HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FINANCEDate Apr 15, 2024 Location HCR 0112 HB24-1330 - Amended, referred to House Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf/0/C45753268FF7...$File/Attachment E Hb 24-1330 Air Quality Permitting.pdf?OpenElement Attachment E Hb 24-1330 Air Quality Permitting.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf/0/92EE00E4724E...$File/Attachment F HB1330_L.003.pdf?OpenElement Attachment F HB1330_L.003.pdf 03:58:13 PM Representatives Bacon and Willford, co-prime sponsors, presented House Bill 24-1330. The bill updates air quality permitting requirements. 04:14:19 PM The bill sponsors responded to questions from the committee. 04:24:24 PM Committee discussion with the bill sponsors continued. 04:24:51 PM Matt Bishop, representing Legislative Council Staff, was available to respond to committee questions about the fiscal impact. 04:55:09 PM Commissioner Scott James, representing the Weld County Board of County Commissioners, testified in opposition to the bill. Kait Schwartz, representing the American Petroleum Institute Colorado, testified in opposition to the bill.Dan Haley, representing the Colorado Oil & Gas Association, testified in opposition to the bill. Meghan Dollar, representing Colorado Chamber of Commerce, testified in opposition to the bill. 05:07:34 PM The panel of witnesses responded to questions from the committee. Christy Woodward, representing Colorado Oil and Gas Association, was available to answer committee questions. 05:21:02 PM Committee discussion with the witnesses continued. 05:28:20 PM Cindy Copeland, representing Boulder County, testified in support of the bill. Andrew Forkes-Gudmunson, representing Earthworks, testified in support of the bill. Mike Foote, representing GreenLatinos, Earthworks, 350 Colorado, testified in support of the bill. The witnesses responded to questions from the committee. 05:41:08 PM Jaime Henning, representing the Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance and the Greeley Chamber of Commerce, testified in opposition to the bill. Commissioner Kevin Ross, representing the Weld County Board of County Commissioners, testified in opposition to the bill. Rich Werner, representing Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance - Upstate Colorado Economic Development, testified in opposition to the bill. The panel of witnesses responded to questions from the committee. 05:57:44 PM Rebecca Curry, representing Earthjustice, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Emma Pinter, representing Colorado Communities for Climate Action and Adams County, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Jean Lim, representing Colorado Communities for Climate Action and the City of Broomfield, testified in support of the bill. Ean Tafoya, representing GreenLatinos, testified in support of the bill. The witnesses responded to questions from the committee. 06:27:24 PM Motion Adopt amendment L.003 (Attachment F). Moved Joseph Seconded Kipp deGruy Kennedy Frizell Garcia Hartsook Kipp Lindstedt Marshall Soper Weinberg Joseph Snyder YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection 06:27:37 PM The bill sponsors wrapped up their presentation on the bill and asked for a favorable recommendation. 06:50:21 PM Motion Refer House Bill 24-1330, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Joseph Seconded Kipp deGruy Kennedy Yes Frizell No Garcia Yes Hartsook No Kipp Yes Lindstedt Yes Marshall Yes Soper Excused Weinberg No Joseph Yes Snyder No Final YES: 6 NO: 4 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS