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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

27EE8402FD4DAC4087258B85006262F0 Hearing Summary


Date Aug 26, 2024      
Location LSB A

HCR24B-1001 -

11:55:19 AM  
Representative Weismann, bill sponsor, introduced House Concurrent Resolution 24B-1001 to the committee. This concurrent resolution refers a constitutional amendment to voters at the 2024 general election that, if approved, requires any statewide voter initiative that affects or limits property tax revenue or spending be approved by voters in a local government jurisdiction for the statewide limit to apply to that local government.
12:03:19 PM  
The bill sponsor responded to questions from the committee.
12:03:31 PM  
Ms. Erin Meschke,
representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.

12:13:26 PM  
Natalie Menten, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
12:17:46 PM  
Ms. Ann Terry, representing
the Special District Association of Colorado, testified in support of the

Mr. Brad White,
representing the Colorado State Fire Chiefs, testified in support of the
12:23:13 PM  
Mr. Scott  Wasserman,
representing the Bell Policy Center, testified in support of the bill.

Mr. Thomas Davidson,
representing Counties & Commissioners Acting Together (CCAT), testified
in support of the bill.
12:29:28 PM  
Witnesses responded to questions from the committee.
12:42:52 PM  
Committee discussion continued.
12:46:45 PM  
Kevin Bommer, representing the Colorado Municipal League, testified in support of the bill.
12:49:59 PM  
The bill sponsor provided final comments on the bill.

12:58:32 PM
Motion Refer HCR24B-1001 to the Committee of the Whole, unamended
Moved McLachlan
Seconded Parenti
Bacon Yes
Catlin No
Jodeh Yes
Lynch No
Mauro Yes
McLachlan Yes
Parenti Yes
Valdez Yes
Wilson No
Titone Yes
Froelich Yes
Final YES: 8   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS