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2045A550F0D6486B87258696007C0F6E Hearing Summary


Date Mar 12, 2021      
Location SCR 357

Initial Planning Meeting for PERA Review - Committee Discussion Only

03:36:40 PM  
Representative Bird
called the meeting to order and commented about the agenda.  She dicussed
approval of a contract with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company (GRS).

03:38:07 PM
Motion Move to amend the contract to include a provision that the selected bidder will not perform work for PERA until January 1, 2024.
Moved Van Winkle
Seconded Priola
Gary Arnold Yes
Michael Johnson Excused
Jim Mantele Excused
Carole Partin Yes
Priola Yes
Trey Rogers Yes
Patrick Roybal Yes
Joshua Sharf Yes
Lang Sias Yes
Amy Slothower Yes
Ben Valore-Caplan Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Rodriguez Excused
Bird Yes
YES: 11   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:39:37 PM
Motion Move to approve a contract with GRS to perform services as specified in the contract and to allow the Office of Legislative Legal Services to make technical changes to the contract.
Moved Priola
Seconded Van Winkle
Gary Arnold Yes
Michael Johnson Excused
Jim Mantele Excused
Carole Partin Yes
Priola Yes
Trey Rogers Yes
Patrick Roybal Yes
Joshua Sharf Yes
Lang Sias Yes
Amy Slothower Yes
Ben Valore-Caplan Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Rodriguez Excused
Bird Yes
YES: 11   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:39:50 PM  
Dana Woolfery, GRS,
and Joe Newton, GRS, introduced themselves.  Ms. Woolfrey and Mr.
Newton responded to committee questions about GRS' review of PERA.
03:50:33 PM  
Jason Gelender, Office
of Legislative Legal Services, responded to committee questions regarding
the contract.  
03:56:04 PM  
Committee members
and GRS representatives discussed the PERA review.
04:21:59 PM  
Mr. Gelender responded to committee questions. The committee discussed a technical change to the contract with GRS. Committee discussion continued with the GRS representatives.
04:41:47 PM  
Committee discussion
continued with GRS.  Representative Bird adjourned the meeting.