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194DCFB185E50A21872586AA007BD1B8 Hearing Summary


Date Apr 1, 2021      
Location HCR 0107

HB21-1173 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

04:32:28 PM  
Representative Mullica,
sponsor, introduced House Bill 21-1173. The bill prohibits a state-supported
institution of higher education from giving admissions preference to an
applicant because they are related to alumni of the institution.
04:40:41 PM  
Sarah Staron, representing Young Invincibles, testified in support of the bill.
04:40:53 PM  
Logan Bradley, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill.
04:43:25 PM  
Jesse Alardin Rivera, representing University of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
04:51:01 PM  
Laura Valle-Gutierrez, representing Bell Policy Center, testified in support of the bill.
04:51:08 PM  
Meha Khanna, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
04:54:37 PM  
Michael Bortnowski, representing University of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
04:56:47 PM  
Molly Frommelt, representing University of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
05:00:02 PM  
Prateek Dutta, representing
himself, testified in support of the bill.
05:03:42 PM  
Morgan Royal, representing New Era Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
05:13:59 PM  
Representative Mullica gave closing remarks.

05:21:31 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 21-1173 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Kipp
Seconded Larson
Baisley No
Caraveo Yes
Exum Yes
Geitner Yes
Kipp Yes
Larson Yes
Michaelson Jenet Yes
Young Yes
McLachlan Yes
Final YES: 8   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS