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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

1840CE158E9742408725825C006C3976 Hearing Summary


Date Mar 26, 2018      
Location HCR 0112

HB18-1209 - Committee Discussion Only

01:42:07 PM  

Representatives Pettersen and Garnett presented and summarized House Bill 18-1209 concerning no 529 income tax deduction for K-12 expenses. The sponsors answered questions from the committee.

01:53:01 PM  
The sponsors continued to answer questions from the committee.
01:54:37 PM  

Keenan OBrien, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill.

01:57:02 PM  

Thomas Cathey, representing the Colorado Association of Private Schools, testified in opposition to the bill.

01:58:21 PM  
The previous two witnesses answered questions from the committee.
01:58:35 PM  

Barb Bulthuis, representing Crossroads School, testified in opposition to the bill.

02:02:00 PM  

Dave Stoecker, representing Longmont Christian School, testified in opposition to the bill.

02:03:03 PM  
The previous two witnesses answered questions
from the committee.
02:04:26 PM  

Ron Stauffer, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill.

02:07:45 PM  

Scott Harry, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill.

02:09:39 PM  
The previous two witnesses answered questions from the committee.
02:15:19 PM  
Luke Ragland, representing ReadyCO, testified
in opposition to the bill. He answered questions from the committee.
02:20:22 PM  
Brendon Reese, representing the Colorado
Department of Revenue, was neutral on the bill. He provided a handout to
the committee [Attachment A]. He answered questions from the committee
02:26:58 PM  
Jonna Levine, representing Support JeffCo
Kids, testified in support of the bill.
02:28:03 PM  
Nate Golich, representing the Colorado Education Association, testified in support of the bill.
02:31:22 PM  

Evie Hudak, representing the Colorado Parent Teacher Association, testified in support of the bill.

02:32:30 PM  
Maggie Miller, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
02:36:02 PM  
Elizabeth Cheever, representing the Colorado Fiscal Institute, testified in support of the bill.
02:39:38 PM  

Sally Augden, representing the League of Women Voters of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.

02:41:44 PM  
The previous two witnesses answered questions from the committee members.
02:43:10 PM  

Cindra Barnard, representing Taxpayers for Public Education, testified in support of the bill.

02:44:48 PM  

Nicole Ellis, representing herself, testified in opposition to the bill.

02:47:01 PM  
Peter Langsfeld, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill.
02:51:27 PM  
The sponsors provided closing comments on the bill. The committee members provided closing comments.
02:56:30 PM  
Representative Buckner laid the bill over
until later in the meeting.