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16A263BF8FF9073F872586A80063C763 Hearing Summary


Date Mar 30, 2021      
Location HCR 0112

SB21-092 - Referred to House Finance

12:10:23 PM  

Representative Soper, bill co-sponsor, introduced SB21-092. The bill continues the regulation of surgical assistants and surgical technologists in the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) for seven years, until September 1, 2028.  The bill also makes the following changes to the regulatory program:

  • requires a surgical assistant or surgical technologist facing disciplinary action to wait two years before reapplying;
  • permits DORA to issues letters of admonition and confidential letters of concern;
  • expands the grounds for discipline; and
  • permits DORA to enter into confidential agreements with surgical assistants or surgical technologists to limit practice based on an illness or other health condition that affects the ability to safely practice.


Public testimony submitted on behalf of SB21-092 can be found in Attachment B.

12:11:33 PM  
Representative Jodeh,
bill co-sponsor, made opening remarks on the bill.
12:11:53 PM  
Committee members made comments on the bill.
12:13:49 PM  
Representative Soper made closing remarks on the bill.

12:17:16 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 21-092 to the Committee on Finance.
Moved Soper
Seconded Kennedy
Baisley Yes
Williams D. Yes
Hanks Yes
Jackson Yes
Kennedy Yes
McCormick Yes
Mullica Excused
Ortiz Yes
Soper Yes
Titone Yes
Van Beber Yes
Caraveo Yes
Lontine Yes
Final YES: 12   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS