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11D8DB86248C70D0872584A40068F066 Hearing Summary


Date Oct 31, 2019      
Location HCR 0112

Colorado Springs Utlities - Committee Discussion Only

01:06:15 PM  

Eric Howell, Forest Program Manager, Colorado Springs Utilities, presented to the committee about the utility's efforts to protect water supplies. He provided slides to accompany his presentation (Attachment A). He discussed their partnerships with the US Forest Service and the Colorado State Forest Service. He noted program goals, including protecting water supplies, conducting meaningful forest treatments, and investing in healthier forests.

01:15:33 PM  
Mr. Howell continued to discuss forest management practices, including fuels mitigation treatments. He discussed the importance of addressing flooding after wildfires. He described the utility's prescribed fire program, using both pile burning and broadcast burning. Mr. Howell responded to a committee member question about safely conducting prescribed fires. He explained that planning, including contingency planning, is an essential component, as is paying careful attention to the weather.
01:28:53 PM  
Committee members discussed forest conditions and the costs of maintenance with Mr. Howell. Mr. Howell described additional partnerships with Colorado Springs Utilities, including the Coalition for the Upper South Platte and Coalitions and Collaboratives. He also discussed the utility's legislation and advocacy work.