02:00:09 PM |
Senators Fields and
Jaquez Lewis, bill sponsors, presented House Bill 24-1348. The bill requires
secure storage of firearms in unattended vehicles.
02:25:16 PM |
Liddy Ballard, representing
The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence, testified in support of the
bill. Dr. James Todd, representing the American Academy of Pediatrics -
Colorado Chapter, testified in support of the bill. Eileen McCarron, representing
Colorado Ceasefire, testified in support of the bill. Claire Lucas, representing
themself, testified in support of the bill. The committee asked questions
to the panel.
02:25:28 PM |
Maria Bergman, representing
themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Keith Emerson, representing
themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Ben Reynolds, representing
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, testified in opposition to the bill. Huey Laugesen,
representing the Colorado State Shooting Association, testified in opposition
to the bill. The committee asked questions to the panel.
02:40:53 PM |
Toni Sarge, representing
the Colorado Children's Campaign, testified in support of the bill. Kathryn
Ruud, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Elizabeth
Smith, representing Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence,
testified in support of the bill. Phil Barber, representing themself, testified
in support of the bill.
02:49:36 PM |
Ty Petersburg, representing Colorado Parks and Wildlife, testified to amend the bill. Ronald Dietz, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Brett Kahn, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill. The committee asked questions to the panel.
03:02:40 PM |
Jane Dougherty, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Kathy Hagen, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Kelly Murphy, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Julie Ort, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Tyler Brown, representing the County Sheriffs of Colorado, testified to amend the bill. The committee asked questions to the panel.
03:16:36 PM |
Alicia Garcia, representing
themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Dr. M. Rice, representing
themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Dr. Catherine Winchester,
representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Travis Couture-Lovelady,
representing the National Rifle Association, testified in opposition to
the bill. Derek Brown, representing themself, testified in opposition to
the bill.
03:27:41 PM |
Christa Palmer, representing Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, testified in support of the bill. Walter Heidenfelder, representing themself, testified in a neutral position on the bill. Jeremiah Bragula, representing themself, testified in an amend position on the bill. Marcella Schieffelin, representing themself, testified in an amend position on the bill.
03:37:50 PM |
Andrew Lucas, representing
themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Seth Stern, representing
themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Hope Scheppelman, representing
the Colorado Republican Party, testified in opposition to the bill. The
committee asked questions to the panel.
03:48:21 PM |
Aaron Lewis, representing
themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Carol Riggenbach, representing
Citizens of House District 62, testified in opposition to the bill. Ava
Flanell, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Rob
Pincus, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill. Edgar
Antillon, representing Guns For Everyone, testified in opposition to the
bill. Scott Shamblin, representing themself, testified in opposition to
the bill.
Written comments
can be found in Attachment B.
04:00:07 PM |
The committee took a recess.
04:00:33 PM |
The committee came back to order.
04:04:58 PM |
The bill sponsors
presented amendment L.046 (Attachment C).
04:05:43 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.046 (Attachment C). |
Moved |
Sullivan |
Seconded |
Baisley |
Hansen |
Liston |
Sullivan |
Coleman |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
04:05:57 PM |
The bill sponsors
presented L.047 (Attachment D).
04:06:14 PM |
The committee discussed the amendment.
04:15:29 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.047 (Attachment D). |
Moved |
Sullivan |
Seconded |
Baisley |
Yes |
Hansen |
No |
Liston |
No |
Sullivan |
No |
Coleman |
No |
04:15:57 PM |
The bill sponsors gave final remarks. The committee gave final remarks.
04:24:42 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 24-1348, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Sullivan |
Seconded |
Baisley |
No |
Hansen |
Yes |
Liston |
No |
Sullivan |
Yes |
Coleman |
Yes |
Final |