06:42:25 PM |
The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Representative Garnett, prime sponsor and chair of the conference committee, explained the differences between the two houses on House Bill 22-1326. The bill concerns measures to address synthetic opiates, and, in connection therewith, changing the criminal penalties associated with synthetic opiates; using a substance abuse assessment to direct appropriate treatment at sentencing; providing opiate antagonists in the community; providing synthetic opiate detection tests in the community; creating immunity for furnishing synthetic opiate detection tests; providing treatment for persons in the criminal justice system; developing a fentanyl prevention and education campaign; providing funding for substance use and harm reduction; evaluating the substance use and harm reduction needs across the state; and equiring a post-enactment review of the implementation of the act. Various members of the conference committee weighed in on the forthcoming conference committee report, and the process of crafting the bill as it went forward.