Repeal Firearm Dealer Requirements & State Permit
The bill repeals the requirements related to dealing firearms enacted in House Bill 24-1353, including repealing the following:
- The requirement for a firearms dealer (dealer) to obtain a state firearms dealer permit (state permit) to engage in the business of dealing in firearms on and after July 1, 2025;
- The requirement for the department of revenue to conduct on-site inspections of state permit holders;
- The requirement that a dealer secure firearms in a manner that prevents members of the public from accessing the firearms;
- Specific requirements for a dealer to report to law enforcement about suspected straw purchases and firearm thefts by employees;
- The prohibition on a dealer selling or transferring a firearm outside of the dealer's posted business hours or to a person who is under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance;
- The requirement for each dealer and each employee of a dealer whose position involves handling firearms to annually complete a training course; and
- Minimum qualifications for employees of dealers and the requirement for employees to submit to background checks.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)