Pay Equity Study
The act requires the equity diversity and inclusion task force (task force) established through a partnership agreement entered into pursuant to the "Colorado Partnership for Quality Jobs and Services Act" (partnership agreement) to contract for a pay equity study to assess pay inequities specific to gender, race, and other protected classes; to provide recommendations to alleviate pay inequities; and to comply with any other specifications set by the state personnel director, the task force, or the partnership agreement. A final report including findings and recommendations from the study must be provided by the contractor performing the study to the members of the general assembly, the governor, and the executive director of Colorado workers for innovative and new solutions, a certified employee organization pursuant to the "Colorado Partnership for Quality Jobs and Services Act". $500,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the division of human resources in the department of personnel for expenses in connection with the pay equity study.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)