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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

Temporary Modification Of Limited Gaming Tax Revenue Allocation

Concerning the temporary reallocation of limited gaming tax revenues to address recovery following the 2020 budget crisis.
2020 Regular Session
Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Gaming, Lottery, & Racing
Local Government
State Government
State Revenue & Budget
Bill Summary

The act temporarily modifies the manner in which limited gaming tax revenues are allocated between the limited gaming fund and the extended limited gaming fund ( i.e. , the portion of limited gaming tax revenues derived from increased hours of operation, enlarged wagering limit, and the addition of craps and roulette, as authorized by Colorado voters with the passage of Amendment 50 in 2008) in order to more equitably address recovery in the years immediately following the global pandemic and economic recession of 2020. The modification ends in the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which total limited gaming tax revenues again equal or exceed the total limited gaming tax revenues collected in state fiscal year 2018-19.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)


Became Law


Bill Text

  • All Versions (7 )
    Date Bill Type Documents
    06/30/2020 Signed Act PDF
    06/29/2020 Final Act PDF
    06/06/2020 Rerevised PDF
    06/05/2020 Revised PDF
    06/03/2020 Reengrossed PDF
    06/01/2020 Engrossed PDF
    05/26/2020 Introduced PDF