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Discontinue Division of Youth Services Trauma Pilot Program

Concerning the discontinuation of the pilot programs in the division of youth services that were established to create a division-wide therapeutic culture with trauma-responsive practices, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.
2020 Regular Session
Children & Domestic Matters
Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
Bill Summary

The act repeals the pilot programs in the division of youth services that were created to aid in the establishment of a division-wide therapeutic and rehabilitative culture, including the use of trauma-responsive principles and practices.

The act makes the following appropriations:

  • The general fund appropriations made in the annual general appropriation act for the 2020-21 state fiscal year to the department of human services for use by the division of youth services are adjusted as follows:
  • The appropriation for personal services related to institutional programs is decreased by $406,545, and the related FTE is decreased by 4.0 FTE; and
  • The appropriation for operating expenses related to institutional programs is decreased by $204,309.
    (Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)


Became Law


Bill Text

  • All Versions (7 )
    Date Bill Type Documents
    06/26/2020 Signed Act PDF
    06/19/2020 Final Act PDF
    06/05/2020 Rerevised PDF
    06/04/2020 Revised PDF
    06/03/2020 Reengrossed PDF
    06/01/2020 Engrossed PDF
    05/26/2020 Introduced PDF