County Child Care Assistance Program Block Grants
Child care assistance program - provider rates study - county block grants - adjustments - federal poverty level rate. For providers under the Colorado child care assistance program (CCCAP), the act requires the state department of human services (department), in consultation with the counties, annually to contract for a market rate study of provider rates for each county. Based on the market rate study and each county's percentage of the total number of children eligible to participate in CCCAP, the department establishes the amount of each county's block grant. The act allows the department to adjust a county's block grant amount based upon rules promulgated by the department.
Under current law, a county is permitted to determine the percentage of the federal poverty level for eligibility in CCCAP for that county. The act sets the federal poverty level for all counties at 185% but allows the state board of human services to adjust the percentage by rule if required by federal law.
The act adjusts certain periods of eligibility and removes references to preconditions that have been previously met.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)