All-payer Health Claims Database
All-payer health claims database - general fund money - grant program - appropriation. The act authorizes the general assembly to appropriate general fund money to the department of health care policy and financing (department) to pay for expenses related to the all-payer health claims database (database).
The act also establishes the all-payer health claims database scholarship grant program (grant program) to assist nonprofit organizations and governmental entities, other than the department, in accessing the database to conduct research. The act authorizes the advisory committee to oversee the database, review grant applications and recommend to the department which grant applications to fund and the amount of each grant. The department is authorized to develop and review grant applications and determine which grant applications to fund and the amount of each grant. The medical services board is authorized to adopt rules governing the grant program.
The act appropriates $1,570,395 to the department to pay for the database and the grant program.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)