Modify Transportation Commission Membership
Concerning a requirement that legislative council staff present a study of the transportation commission districts of the state to the transportation legislation review committee.
2016 Regular Session
Bill Summary
State Government
Transportation & Motor Vehicles
Transportation commission members are appointed from 11 statutorily defined transportation commission districts (districts), and the general assembly has not modified the number or boundaries of the districts since 1991. The act requires the legislative council staff, with the cooperation of the department of transportation, to prepare and present to the transportation legislation review committee a research study of the districts. The study must document changes since the last time the general assembly modified the number and boundaries of the commission districts, including changes in population, number of lane miles, and annual vehicle miles traveled for each of the districts and must take into account existing county and municipal boundaries, regional transportation authorities and districts, and transportation planning regions.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)