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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

Safe Family Option For Parents

Concerning creating an option for parents who seek to voluntarily delegate certain parental responsibilities to a safe family for a limited period of time without relinquishing legal custody of their child, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
2019 Regular Session
Children & Domestic Matters
Bill Summary

Child placement agencies - delegating care of a minor - temporary care assistance program - appropriation. The act permits a parent or guardian to use a temporary care assistance program operated by a child placement agency to identify an appropriate and safe approved temporary caregiver to whom the parent or guardian can choose to delegate temporary care responsibility of a minor through a power of attorney.

Prior to July 1, 2021, only a child placement agency that is a nonprofit organization and that operates a program similar to a temporary care assistance program in 30 or more states may operate a temporary care assistance program. A temporary care assistance program must make diligent efforts to notify any parent or guardian identified having parental rights or legal decision-making authority regarding the minor's care and cannot assist a parent who is named as a respondent in an open dependency and neglect case.

A power of attorney that delegates temporary care responsibility of a minor to an approved temporary caregiver is limited to a duration of 6 months. The 6-month restriction does not apply to deployed or active duty military members. Such a power of attorney can be revoked at any time and does not change legal rights or obligations existing pursuant to a court order. The minor must be returned to the custody of the parent or guardian within 48 hours after termination of the power of attorney.

A temporary care assistance program is permitted to approve as a temporary caregiver any person who:

  • Meets the standards prescribed by the temporary care assistance program;
  • Satisfactorily completes required criminal and child abuse and neglect background checks and sex offender registration checks; and
  • Receives training conducted by the temporary care assistance program.

A temporary care assistance program and a temporary care provider are subject to any rules applicable to noncertified kinship care that are promulgated by the department of human services and that are consistent with statutory provisions concerning temporary care assistance programs.

A power of attorney that delegates temporary care responsibility of a minor to an approved temporary caregiver does not constitute child abuse or neglect, constitute placing the minor into foster care, or relieve parents, guardians, or minors of rights and obligations pursuant to court orders.

For the 2019-20 state fiscal year, $14,093 is appropriated from the general fund to the department of human services for use by the division of child welfare for implementation of the act.

(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)


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