Summary of Health Care Legislation (2014)
This document summaries the major pieces of legislation considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 legislative session.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThis document summaries the major pieces of legislation considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 legislative session.
This document provides a summary of legislation pertaining to higher education considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 legislative session.
This document provides a summary of legislation pertaining to human services considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 legislative session.
This document provides a summary of major insurance legislation considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 session.
Information technology (IT) is used by every state agency to make operations more efficient and services more widely available to the citizens of Colorado. Along with other day-to-day expenses of state government, expenses related to IT are paid through the operating budget in the state's annual...
This document provides a summary of major motor vehicles and traffic regulation legislation considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 session.
This document provides a summary of major public health legislation considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 legislative session.
School District Table
2013 Colorado Cost of Living Report - Expenditure Totals
School Finance Funding Comparison Under HB 14-1292, FY 2014-15
Current Law vs. HB 14-1292
School Finance Funding Comparison Under HB 14-1298, FY 2014-15
Current Law vs. HB 14-1298
In July of 2013, Corona Insights was retained to conduct the 2013 Colorado School District Cost of Living Study for the Colorado Legislative Council. This study measures the differences in the cost to purchase a typical “market basket” of goods among the 178 public school districts in the State...
School Finance Funding Comparison Assuming Passage of Both HB 14-1292 and HB 14-1298, FY 2014-15
Current Law vs. Passage of HB 14-1292 and HB 14-1298 Combined
House Bill 14-1298 as Introduced FY 2014-15 Compared with FY 2013-14
The following memorandum provides an overview of K-12 funding proposals within the context of the state's operating budget. In December 2013, about $1.1 billion was transferred from the General Fund to the State Education Fund (SEF). The General Assembly will have to determine how to use this...
House Bill 14-1292 and House Bill 14-1298 amend the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2014-15. The bills were signed by the Governor on May 21, 2014, and became effective on that date. House Bill 14-1336, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the...
The forecast for the State Education Fund and the level of General Fund appropriations needed to pay for school finance have changed from when the General Assembly adjourned in May 2013. Property values have stabilized and are expected to grow modestly over the next few years, helping to boost...
This document provides a summary of transportation legislation considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 legislative session.
This document provides a summary of water legislation considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 session.
In response to natural disasters that have hit Colorado in recent years, the General Assembly has enacted a number of tax breaks aimed at mitigating or relieving the impact of these disasters on taxpayers. Tax breaks can take a number of different forms, such as an income tax deduction,...
This issue brief provides information on the relative size of state and local governments, compared with the total state economy. Government expenditures are represented as a percentage of the state's gross domestic product (GDP). In Colorado, stategovernmentexpendituresarebelowthenational...
Prior to being discharged from the state criminal justice system, adult offenders are released from prison for a period of parole. This issue brief summarizes recent state adult parole initiatives. These include the offender reentry programs authorized in House Bill 14-1355, and the “...
Economic Outlook for the U.S. and Colorado
The ongoing expansion in the U.S. economy is fueld by consumer contributions.