Colorado Fireworks Law (20-18)
This issue brief examines Colorado fireworks law, including permissible fireworks, sales, local government regulations, penalties for violating state laws, and executive orders.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThis issue brief examines Colorado fireworks law, including permissible fireworks, sales, local government regulations, penalties for violating state laws, and executive orders.
Report No. 2020-TE27
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to transportation funding, commercial vehicles, motor vehicles, and other transportation issues.
This memorandum provides information on the Regional Transportation District (RTD).
The Legislative Council Staff's Energy Handbook is intended to serve as a reference guide to Colorado's energy sector. The book is divided into five sections. Section I covers the sources and uses of energy in Colorado. Section II explains how severance taxes and federal mineral lease moneys...
This issue brief focuses on additional strategies that local governments and communities in Colorado are using to meet the housing needs of residents.
Colorado's transportation system consists of the state highway system, county and municipal roads, mass transit, airports, railroads, and bicycle and pedestrian routes. The system is primarily managed by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Cities, counties, transit authorities,...
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly passed legislation intended to promote economic development in rural areas and to assist businesses in surviving and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Report No. 2021-TE7
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to local governments, including the powers and duties of local governments and matters related to special and local improvement districts, community revitalization, procurement, the limited gaming...
While the General Assembly heard a number of transportation bills during the 2021 legislative session, this summary focuses on Senate Bill 21‑260, which provides for changes to the organization and funding of...
This issue brief examines Colorado fireworks law, including permissible fireworks, sales, local government regulations, penalties for violating state laws, and executive orders.
Summary report for the Transportation Legislation Review Committee.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Transportation Legislation Review Committee.
Report No. 2022-TE10
This memorandum provides information about irrigation districts in Colorado. Specifically, it discusses the current irrigation districts, the powers and duties of irrigation districts, and how those powers and duties compare to those of special districts.
During the 2022 legislative session the General Assembly considered legislation related to special districts, local government administration, boards and commissions, funding, and firefighting assistance.
During the 2022 legislative session, the General Assembly passed numerous bills related to general business issues and economic development initiatives.
Report No. 2022-TE29
Report No. 2022-TE34
During the 2022 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to transportation funding, motor vehicles, other modes of transportation, and traffic offenses.
This memorandum describes the programs authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act that may provide formula or competitive grants to Colorado.
Colorado's transportation system consists of the state highway system, county and municipal roads, mass transit, airports, railroads, and bicycle and pedestrian routes. The system is primarily managed by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Cities, counties, transit authorities,...
This committee was created pursuant to Section 43-2-145, C.R.S. The purpose of this committee is to give guidance and direction to the Colorado Department of Transportation on the development of the state transportation system, and to provide legislative oversight of and input into such...
This memorandum provides an overview of the process to fill vacancies in various elected offices at the federal, state, and local levels. A vacancy in an elected office occurs when an office holder resigns or dies during his or her elected term. A vacancy may also occur when an elected...