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J_CDC_2017A 12/19/2016 Committee Summary




Date: 12/19/2016
Time: 09:05 AM to 03:26 PM
Place: LSB B
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Esgar
This Report was prepared by
Matt Becker
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair and Adoption of Rules

FY 2017-18 Capital Construction Requests and Available Revenue

Office of the State Architect Overview

CCHE Prioritized FY 2017-18 Capital Requests

OSPB Prioritized FY 2017-18 Capital Requests

Colorado Mesa University

Fort Lewis College

Auraria Higher Education Center

History Colorado

Colorado Community College System

Department of Agriculture

Department of Public Safety

Colorado School of Mines
Recommendation(s) Approved

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

09:05 AM -- Election of Chair and Vice-Chair and Adoption of Rules

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present.

BILL: Election of Chair and Vice-Chair and Adoption of Rules
TIME: 09:06:29 AM
MOVED: Baumgardner
MOTION: Elect Representative Esgar to serve as the chair of the Capital Development Committee. The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
BILL: Election of Chair and Vice-Chair and Adoption of Rules
TIME: 09:07:25 AM
MOVED: Esgar
MOTION: Elect Senator Baumgardner as vice-chair of the committee. The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.

BILL: Election of Chair and Vice-Chair and Adoption of Rules
TIME: 09:09:01 AM
MOVED: Esgar
MOTION: Adopt the Senate rules as the rules of procedure for the Capital Development Committee, except the committee shall not be prohibited from meeting on a day of the week other than is provided in the schedule of committee meetings, if needed. The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.

09:09 AM -- FY 2017-18 Capital Construction Requests and Available Revenue

Matt Becker and Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, provided an overview of the FY 2017-18 state department and higher education institution capital construction requests, and projected available revenue for capital projects. Committee members received a summary of the requests, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment A). Mr. Becker responded to questions regarding the number of capital requests for FY 2017-18. Ms. Donaldson responded to questions regarding the Department of Human Services' Fitzsimons Veterans Community Living Center Expansion and Grand Junction Regional Center Campus Relocation and Closure projects.

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09:19 AM

Ms. Donaldson provided details about the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) FY 2017-18 capital construction requests. Ms. Donaldson discussed the revenue outlook for funding FY 2017-18 capital construction requests.

09:24 AM -- Office of the State Architect Overview

Mr. Larry Friedberg, State Architect from the Office of the State Architect (OSA) within the Department of Personnel and Administration, presented an overview of his office, its duties pertaining to capital construction, and its review of FY 2017-18 capital construction requests. Committee members received a copy of the FY 2016-17 OSA Annual Report (, and a workflow chart showing the office's workflow (Attachment B), both prepared by OSA staff. Mr. Friedberg discussed Attachment B. Mr. Friedberg responded to questions regarding instances when OSA has prioritized controlled maintenance or capital renewal projects in a different order than state departments.


09:40 AM

Discussion ensued regarding the Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting's controlled maintenance priorities for FY 2017-18, and the statewide funding shortfall for controlled maintenance.

09:43 AM -- CCHE Prioritized FY 2017-18 Capital Requests

Commissioner Renny Fagan, Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE), and Catherine Olukotun, Lead Finance Analyst, Department of Higher Education, briefed the committee on CCHE's prioritized FY 2017-18 capital construction requests. Committee members received a presentation outlining the criteria considered by CCHE in setting its capital construction priorities (Attachment C). Commissioner Fagan provided some opening remarks, and Ms. Olukotun discussed the commission's review process for capital projects. Discussion ensued regarding public and institutional participation in CCHE proceedings, and the process by which the commission considers previously requested capital construction requests from higher education institutions.

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09:54 AM

Ms. Olukotun briefed the committee on Attachment C, and CCHE's FY 2017-18 capital priorities. Ms. Olukotun responded to questions regarding CCHE's consideration of the use of student fees to fund higher education capital projects as one of its prioritization criteria.

10:03 AM -- OSPB Prioritized FY 2017-18 Capital Requests

Henry Sobanet, Director, and Erick Scheminske, Deputy Director, Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB), presented the office's capital construction priorities for FY 2017-18 (Attachment D), comparing these priorities to available capital revenue. Mr. Sobanet walked the committee through these priorities. Mr. Sobanet responded to questions regarding the relationship between Highway Users Tax Fund (HUTF) moneys and revenue available for capital construction.

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10:16 AM

Discussion continued regarding the relationship between HUTF funding and available revenue for capital projects, and pressures on the budget created by certain health care-related initiatives and K-12 education. Mr. Sobanet responded to questions regarding spending on information technology (IT) capital construction projects. Ms. Donaldson provided input on funding for IT capital construction. Discussion followed regarding certain state budget shortfalls, and the impact of these shortfalls on capital spending.

10:29 AM

Discussion continued regarding certain state budget pressures and their impact on capital construction, including the Hospital Provider Fee.

10:42 AM

The committee recessed.

10:54 AM -- Colorado Mesa University

President Tim Foster and Laura Glatt, Chief Financial Officer, both representing Colorado Mesa University (CMU), presented four FY 2017-18 capital budget requests. Committee members received a copy of the CMU presentation (Attachment E). President Foster discussed recently funded projects on campus, including controlled maintenance and cash-funded projects. President Foster responded to questions and comments from the committee. Discussion ensued about controlled maintenance funding. Discussion continued about the programs supported by the various projects requested for funding.

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11:22 AM -- Fort Lewis College

Dr. Dene Kay Thomas, President, and Steve Schwartz, Vice President for Finance and Administration, both representing Fort Lewis College (FLC), presented one FY 2017-18 capital budget request. Committee members received a summary of the FLC presentation (Attachment F). President Thomas provided some general background information about FLC and its population and degree programs. She also spoke about the economic impact of the college on southwestern Colorado. She discussed the need for a new building and how controlled maintenance needs are addressed.

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11:37 AM --
Mr. Schwartz spoke about the use of energy performance contracting to address deferred maintenance needs on campus. President Thomas continued her presentation with a discussion of the 2016 facility master plan.

11:48 AM -- Auraria Higher Education Center

Barb Weiske, Chief Executive Officer, and Carl Meese, Senior Campus Planner, both representing the Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC), presented one FY 2017-18 capital budget request.

11:59 PM

The committee recessed.

01:17 PM -- History Colorado

The committee reconvened. Steve Turner, Executive Director, and Michael Carrara, Director of Facilities, Historic Sites, and Procurement, both representing History Colorado, discussed one FY 2017-18 cash-funded capital budget request: Regional Museum Preservation Projects. Committee members received a handout from History Colorado on a joint exhibition featuring the collections of the Denver Art Museum and History Colorado (Attachment G). Dawn DiPrince, Director or Regional Museums, responded to a committee question regarding the El Pueblo History Museum.

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01:23 PM -- Colorado Community College System

Dr. Nancy McCallin, System President, and Mark Superka, Vice President of Finance and Administration, both representing Colorado Community College System (CCCS) discussed the system's FY 2017-18 capital budget requests. Dr. McCallin thanked the committee and discussed recently constructed CCCS projects. She also gave an overview of CCCS' expenditures and revenue sources, as well as recent expenditures for controlled maintenance projects.

01:29 PM

Dr. Everette Freeman, President, and Duane Risse, Vice President of Administrative Services, both representing the Community College of Denver (CCD), came to the table to discuss CCD's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Boulder Creek Building.

01:32 PM

Andy Dorsey, President, Front Range Community College (FRCC), came to the table to discuss FRCC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Health Care Career Center. President Dorsey responded to committee questions regarding staff and faculty at FRCC. Dr. McCallin discussed faculty compensation and adjunct faculty satisfaction surveys.

01:46 PM

Dr. Lance Bolton, President, Pikes Peak Community College (PPCC), came to the table to discuss PPCC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Student Learning Commons and Theater, Downtown Studio Campus.

01:50 PM

Dr. Patty Erjavec, President, and Jon Brude, Chief Business Officer, both representing Pueblo Community College (PCC), came to the table to discuss PCC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Weld Shop Renovation. Dr. Erjavec responded to committee questions regarding enrollment in the welding program. Dr. McCallin discussed career and technical education options at CCCS, as well as concurrent enrollment programs offered to high school students.

01:59 PM

Dr. McCallin and Dr. Erjavec responded to a committee question regarding apprenticeship programs.

02:01 PM

The committee recessed.

02:10 PM

The committee reconvened. Pat Malott, Vice President of Administrative Services, Otero Junior College (OJC), came to the table to discuss OJC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Agriculture Science Program Remodel. Mr. Malott discussed the agricultural programs at OJC, and its partnerships with other universities. Mr. Malott responded to a committee question regarding the student demographics at OJC.

02:18 PM

Chad DeBono, Vice President of Finance and Administration, Lamar Community College, came to the table to discuss LCC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Vocational Trades Building. Mr. DeBono responded to committee questions regarding current enrollment in LCC's vocational trades programs. Mr. Superka responded to a committee question regarding the prioritization of LCC's project by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. Mr. DeBono reesponded to a committee question concerning job placement for the renewable energy program.

02:26 PM -- Department of Agriculture

Don Brown, Commissioner, and Steve Bornmann, Former Director of Inspection and Consumer Services, both representing the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA), discussed one FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Department Office Consolidation (Phase II). Commissioner Brown discussed recent consolidation efforts by the department, as well as the department's role in marijuana testing. In response to a committee question regarding the National Western Center project, Commissioner Brown discussed issues with relocating laboratories to the National Western Center site. Committee discussion ensued on the roof replacement project at the CDA Insectary in Palisade.

02:35 PM -- Department of Public Safety

David Hall, Legislative Liaison, Kevin Rants, Logistical Services Director, and Ryan Carlson, Aircraft Section, all representing Colorado State Patrol (CSP) discussed the withdrawn capital budget request for the Pueblo District and Troop Office project. Mr. Rants discussed the department's collaboration on the project with the Colorado Department of Transportation, as well as the shift in funding from the capital construction budget to the operating budget. Mr. Hall responded to a committee question regarding the issuance of certificates of participation to finance the project.

02:41 PM

Mr. Hall discussed the department's FY 2017-18 capital budget request for the King Air Aircraft Engine Replacement project. He also discussed various programs that use the aircraft and responded to questions from the committee regarding the engine and avionics system replacement. Mr. Carlson responded to a committee question on the average daily use of the aircraft.

02:49 PM

Ms. Donaldson discussed the withdrawn capital budget request for the CSP Pueblo District and Troop Office project and its inclusion in the operating budget.

02:52 PM

The committee recessed.

03:09 PM -- Colorado School of Mines

The committee reconvened. Dr. Paul C. Johnson, President, and Kirsten Volpi, Executive Vice President, both representing Colorado School of Mines (CSM), updated the committee on enrollment, retention, student outcomes, and research initiatives at CSM. Committee members received a copy of a handout from CSM (Attachment H). Dr. Johnson discussed recent accomplishments at CSM, including the Mines Idea Hub, a student-driven initiative to promote entrepreneurship and innovation; the ADAPT Center, which studies additive materials used in manufacturing; and a partnership with the University of Northern Colorado, which gives CSM students a streamlined pathway to teacher licensure.

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03:15 PM

Dr. Johnson responded to a committee question regarding female enrollment at CSM. He also discussed recent outreach efforts by CSM to increase female enrollment. Committee discussion ensued on retention rates at CSM. Ms. Volpi discussed recent investments in infrastructure at CSM, as well as recently completed capital projects.

03:24 PM

Ms. Volpi discussed CSM's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Green Center Roof Replacement (Capital Renewal). Ms. Volpi responded to a committee question regarding the condition of the roof.

03:26 PM

The committee adjourned.

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