j_cdc_2017a_2017-01-10t08:32:07z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/10/2017
Location: SCR 352
Office of the State Architect
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08:32 AM -- Office of the State Architect
The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Larry Friedberg, State Architect; Cheri Gerou, Manager, State Building Programs; Eric Scholz, Manager, Statewide Planning Program; Rod Vanderwall, Manager, Energy Management Program; and Brandon Ates, Manager, Real Estate Program, all representing the Office of the State Architect (OSA), introduced themselves. Mr. Friedberg discussed the executive summary of the FY 2016-17 OSA Annual Report (http://www2.cde.state.co.us/artemis/paserials/pa851internet/pa851201617internet.pdf). Ms. Gerou discussed the functions and activities of the State Buildings Program, including the tracking of expenditures for capital construction projects.
08:39 AM
Mr. Scholz discussed the functions and activities of the Statewide Planning Program. Mr. Scholz responded to a committee question regarding cash-funded buildings at higher education institutions. Mr. Friedberg clarified the state's role in funding controlled maintenance for such buildings.
08:46 AM
Mr. Vanderwall discussed the functions and activities of the Energy Management Program, including energy performance contracts and the High Performance Certification Program (HPCP).
08:55 AM
Mr. Vanderwall and Mr. Friedberg responded to committee questions regarding high performance energy contracts, historic buildings, and waivers and modifications for the HPCP.
09:05 AM
Mr. Vanderwall and Mr. Friedberg responded to committee questions regarding inefficient building heating and cooling systems, as well as industry certification standards for building efficiency.
09:10 AM
Mr. Ates discussed the functions and activities of the Real Estate Program. He also discussed recent acquisitions and dispositions of real property, as well as the state's inventory of vacant buildings. Mr. Ates and Mr. Friedberg responded to a committee question regarding the potential future use of vacant buildings.
09:21 AM
Matt Becker, Legislative Council Staff, explained that an updated list of vacant buildings will be available soon. Mr. Scholz responded to a committee question regarding vacant buildings managed by the Department of Human Services.
09:23 AM
Mr. Ates and Mr. Friedberg responded to a committee question regarding the Facility Condition Index and insurance premiums of certain vacant buildings.
09:29 AM
Mr. Ates discussed state building leases and responded to a committee question regarding revenue generated from leasing state buildings.