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75FC7C293246FD8D8725895100011C05 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 8, 2023      
Location Old Supreme Court

Sunset Hearing for the Sex Offender Management Board - Committee Discussion Only

05:12:12 PM  

Brian Tobias, Director at Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform,  Department of Regulatory Agncies, presented the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) sunset report and associated recommendations. 

The SOMB sunset report may be read here:

Committee members asked questions about the size and function of the SOMB. 


05:34:19 PM  

Mrs. Marsha Brewer, representing Advocates for Change, testified. She recommended that the Department of Corrections (DOC) be removed from the purview of the SOMB.

Marshal Seufert, representing themself, testified and raised concerns about SOMB oversight of correctional programs. 

Mr. Tony Link, representing themself, testified about concerns with DOC sex offender treatment.

05:49:33 PM  

Mrs Tami Floyd, representing Advocate, testified about the sexually violent predator (SVP) designation.

Mrs. Stephanie Mays, representing themself, testified about wrongful convictions.

Esq. John Pineau, representing themself, testified about treatment provider choice. 

Committee members asked questions about wrongful convictions. 

06:06:43 PM  

Ms. Dianne Tramutola-Lawson, representing Colorado-CURE, Inc., testified about sex offender treatment and progress indicators. 

Ms. Justina Madenska, representing themself, testified about technical violations.

Mr. Jeff Wise, representing themself, testified about reentry barriers and sex offenders.

Committee members asked questions about the Reemerge program for formerly incarcerated individuals to manage the reintegration process. 

06:16:45 PM  

Ms. Gail Johnson, representing themself, testified about wrongful convictions and treatment participation.  

Mr. Roger Kincade, representing Advocates for Change, testified about treatment provider choice and suggested a one-time change request. 

06:23:58 PM  

Mr Rick Ostring, representing Second Chance Center, testified about the lack of treatment provider choice. 

Erika Unger, representing Bread & Roses Legal Center, testified about the LGBTQ community and related sex offender treatment. 

06:32:05 PM  

Susan Walker, representing herself, testified about sex offender treatment within DOC.

Cheryl Cheryl, representing Advocates for Change, provided testimony on behalf of an inmate.

Mr. Taber Powers, representing themself, testified about treatment providers.

Mr. Ken Mays, representing themself, testified about sunsetting the SOMB.

Mr. Michael Dell, representing Colorado CURE, testified about SOMB supervision and oversight of sex offender treatment services.

Committee members asked questions to the panel about telehealth and other concerns that were raised about the SOMB.

06:53:07 PM  

Mrs. Courtney Sutton, representing Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance (COVA), testified about victims and associated personal and monetary costs.

Ms. Jessica Dotter, representing Colorado District Attorneys’ Council, testified in support of the SOMB sunset report and recommended not to weaken treatment requirements for individuals in DOC.

Committee members asked questions about polygraph efficacy and SOMB or similar boards in other states. 


07:14:03 PM  

Program Manager - SOMB Chris Lobanov-Rostovsky, representing Colorado Department of Public Safety, was available for questions.

SOMB Program Coordinator Raechel Alderete, representing Department of Public Safety, was available for questions.

Dr. Carl Blake, sex offense specific and assessment services coordinator, representing Division of Youth Services, was available for questions. 

The panel answered questions from the committee about treatment providers and the LGBTQ popuation.  Discussion followed about evolvilng treatment guidelines and performance measures.  Further discussion ensued about SOMB models in other states, treatment progression indicators, lifetime supervision, DOC treatment, Spanish speaking providers, and teletherapy.  Additional questions were asked about the SOMB size and dynamics between members. 

07:51:33 PM  

Laurie Kepros, representing Office of the State Public Defender & Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, testified about the SOMB, generally, and lack of treatment in DOC.

She answered questions about the Lifetime Supervision Act, treatment progression indicators, and sex offender treatment opportunities within DOC. 

Written testimony about the SOMB may be found in Attachment B. 


08:04:23 PM  

The committee did not object to technical changes as needed by the Office of Legislative Legal Services. 

08:05:02 PM
Motion Introduce the draft bill Sunset Process Sex Offender Management Board as presented
Moved Gardner
Gardner Yes
Roberts Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Gonzales Yes
YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
08:05:05 PM  
Senators Gardner and Gonzales agreed to
sponsor the SOMB sunset legislation.