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1454D6954DF0BE528725891700634CC8 Hearing Summary


Date Dec 13, 2022      
Location Old State Library

Social media guidelines - Committee Discussion Only

11:05:13 AM  
Ed DeCecco, Office
of Legislative Legal Services, introduced the social media guidelines and
asked if the committee would like to release a letter regarding the social
media guidelines
11:06:19 AM  
Mr. DeCecco discussed
the first amendment and how when a public official blocks a member of the
public on social media it can result in a lawsuit
11:11:09 AM  
Mr. DeCecco walked
through certain recommendations in the social media guidelines with the
11:13:38 AM  
Mr. DeCecco explained
that the social media guidelines were given to new members during new member
orientation but have not been given to current members yet

11:14:55 AM  
Mr. DeCecco detailed
cases in which a first amendment social media issue has come up and how
those cases have guided the Office in recommending social media guidelines
11:24:16 AM  
Senator Lee asked
if the Colorado case took into account the fact that the congress woman
was using a private account rather than a public one
11:24:34 AM  
Mr. DeCecco explained
that, yes, it was a factor in the case and that since it was a private
account it was not considered state action

11:26:02 AM  
Representative Weissman,
chair, discussed one of the cases and asked Mr. DeCecco to expound on it
11:26:55 AM  
Mr. DeCecco explained
that in that case the plaintiff failed to meet their burden of proof and
the damages claim was dismissed
11:27:56 AM  
Mr. DeCecco outlined
the takeaways from the cases and explained how courts might interpret certain
cases regarding the use of campaign social media accounts versus other
types of accounts
11:29:32 AM  
Mr. DeCecco explained
that because the circuits are split at this point, the social media guidelines
take that into account in their recommendations

11:30:50 AM  
Mr. DeCecco explained
that the Office recommends sending out a letter advising members of the
social media guidelines similar to the letter sent in a previous year
11:32:36 AM  
Representative Weissman,
chair, expressed that any sort of litigation would be unwelcome and that
caution is warranted when it comes to social media and expressed his being
in favor of releasing the letter and suggested adding stronger language
to the end of the letter explaining the consequences of not following the
11:35:34 AM  
Senator Buckner concurred
with sending the letter to existing members so that they can have the reminder
11:36:02 AM  
Representative Snyder
agreed with the chair in suggesting including some of the social media
guidelines in the letter so that members can have a step-by-step guide
on how to handle social media
11:37:16 AM  
Mr. DeCecco explained
that the guidelines are more general because of all the different types
of social media that exist
11:38:34 AM  
Mr. DeCecco asked
if the committee would like the social media guidelines to be attached
to the letter
11:39:07 AM  
Representative Snyder
asked what determines whether a campaign account is actually a campaign
account since legislators still campaign after becoming legislators for
11:39:52 AM  
Mr. DeCecco stated
that the recommended guideline is to not block anyone on a campaign account
because it is difficult to prove what a campaign account is
11:41:08 AM  
Senator Buckner asked
if the responsibility of following the guidelines would fall on a member
and not their aide
11:41:32 AM  
Mr. DeCecco explained
that the responsibility is on the member but that the social media guidelines
are for aides as well so that they have the information and training on
it too
11:42:11 AM  
Representative Weissman,
chair, asked for Mr. DeCecco and the Office to update the letter, put the
major points from the guidelines into the body of the letter, show the
chair and vice chair the letter in draft form to finalize it, and then
send it out to all legislators
11:44:24 AM  
The committee agreed
with the chair

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