28BFBA227456B92D8725806F00714141 Hearing Summary
Date: 11/18/2016
Location: HCR 0107
Governor Portraits
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01:36 PM -- Governor Portraits
Mr. Damion Pechota, Legislative Council Staff, discussed the cost to restore the Governor portraits. Committee members received a cost estimate for the restoration prepared by the Western Center for the Conservation of Arts (Attachment A). Mr. Pechota discussed the scope of the planned restorations and the amount of time it will take to renovate the portraits. He also answered questions about where the paintings will be displayed or stored after the restoration. Mr. Pechota and Ms. Jabrocki discussed how artwork can be loaned between state agencies.
Attachment A.pdf
The committee directed staff to move forward with obtaining an estimate of the cost to renovate the portrait frames.