j_cbac_2017a_2017-05-19t13:33:19z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 05/19/2017
Location: SCR 357
Staff and Construction Project Updates
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02:00 PM -- Staff and Construction Project Updates
Mr. Lance Shepherd, Department of Personnel and Administration, discussed construction projects in the Capitol during the 2017 legislative interim. He described the restoration of the House Committee Rooms, the Capitol roof, and facade work on the south side of the building. He added that some of the paint on the dome needs to be repainted. He noted that Legislative Council Staff would also be studying signage in the building.
Mr. Shepherd discussed Senate Bill 17-267 funding for additional future projects.
Ms. Ameen, Ms. Eddins, and Mr. Shepherd discussed parking issues related to interim construction projects.
Ms. Anderson and Mr. Shepherd discussed the paint failure and ways to avoid future problems with the paint, including third-party oversight. Discussion continued regarding the paint on the dome.
02:12 PM
Mr. Pechota updated the committee on the cultural landscape assessment. He also discussed an application to donate a plaque to the Capitol honoring the USS Colorado (Attachment C), noting that the committee would consider this application at its August meeting.
Attachment C.pdf
Mr. Pechota explained that the frame surrounding the Women's Gold tapestry needs to be repaired, which can be done using funds from the Gold Fund. He also discussed replacing the Visitor Services desk and continuing the work on the governors' portraits. Representative McNulty and Mr. Pechota discussed future display of the governors' portraits.
Ms. Jackson discussed the signage study.
The committee was invited to tour the Colorado Judicial Learning Center after the meeting.
02:20 PM
The committee adjourned.