s_tra_2017a_2017-03-07t14:05:20z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 03/07/2017
Location: SCR 352
BILL SUMMARY for HB17-1151
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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02:05 PM -- HB17-1151
Senators Hill and Kerr, co-sponsors, presented House Bill 17-1151. The bill removes electrical assisted bicycles from the definition of motor vehicle and defines an electrical assisted bicycle as a bicycle equipped with an electric motor not exceeding 750 watts of power. This bill creates three classes of electrical assisted bicycles. Every manufacturer or distributor of new electrical assisted bicycles is required to attach a label that contains the classification number, as shown in Table 1. A person is prohibited from modifying an electrical assisted bicycle without replacing the classification label. Electrical assisted bicycles must comply with the equipment and manufacturing requirements for bicycles adopted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Anyone who violates the labeling and equipment provisions is subject to a Class B traffic infraction, with a fine of $15 and a surcharge of $6. Local authorities may prohibit the operation of Class 1 or Class 2 electrical assisted bicycles on a bike or pedestrian path under it's jurisdiction.
02:10 PM -- J. David McNeil, representing the Denver Electric Vehicle Council, testified in support of the bill. He provided written copies of his testimony (Attachment A).
02:14 PM -- Ken Miner, representing Haibike USA, testified in support of the bill.
02:17 PM -- Jenn Dice, representing People for Bikes and the Bicycle Products Suppliers Association, testified in support of the bill. She provided two handouts to the committee (Attachments B and C). She responded to questions from the committee.
02:24 PM -- Jason West, representing SRAM Corporation, testified in support of the bill. He responded to questions from the committee.
02:31 PM -- Barbara Buchli, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She responded to questions from the committee.
02:39 PM -- Ted Heyd, representing Bicycle Colorado, testified in support of the bill. He responded to questions from the committee.
02:48 PM -- Sherri O'Hara, representing Small Planet E-Bikes, testified in support of the bill.
02:53 PM -- Mara Bundt-Law, representing Good Turn Cycles, testified in support of the bill.
02:56 PM
Senator Hill indicated his intention to work with stakeholders to draft an amendment to address Mr. McNeil's concerns. Senator Baumgardner announced that the bill would be laid over for action only. The committee took a brief recess.