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S_JUD_2023A 01/23/2023 01:33:46 PM Committee Summary

Date 01/23/2023
Gardner X
Roberts X
Van Winkle X
Rodriguez X
Gonzales *
Time 01:33:46 PM to 02:39:46 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Gonzales
This Report was prepared by Juliann Jenson
Hearing Items Action Taken
Introduction of Bill Drafters and Fiscal Analysts Committee Discussion Only
Sunset Hearing for the Evidence-based Practices Implementation for Capacity Advisory Board Committee Discussion Only
Sunset Hearing for Defense Counsel on First Appearance Grant Program Committee Discussion Only
Sunset Hearing on Human Trafficking Prevention Training Committee Discussion Only

01:33:48 PM

Senator Gonzales made opening remarks. 

Introduction of Bill Drafters and Fiscal Analysts - Committee Discussion Only

01:34:27 PM  

Fiscal note analysts made introductions and explained the fiscal notes process.  Staff included Aaron Carpenter, Clayton Mayfield, John Armstrong, and Erin Reynolds. 

The Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS) bill drafters introduced themselves to the committee and explained bill drafting and amendments.  The bill drafters included Conrad Imel, Jake Baus, Amber Paeoloemillio, Jane Ritter, and Michael Dohr.  . 


Sunset Hearing for the Evidence-based Practices Implementation for Capacity Advisory Board - Committee Discussion Only

01:40:10 PM  

Jennifer Berman from OLLS explained the bill drafting process for sunset reviews. 

Mr Brian Tobias from the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) provided a brief overview of sunset reviews.   He proceeded to discuss the sunset report for the Evidence-based Practices Implementation for Capacity Advisory Board (EPIC) and answered questions from the committee. 

The EPIC sunset report may be reviewed here:


01:53:35 PM  

Debbie Oldenettel, representing Colorado Department of Public Safety, testified about EPIC.  She explained that EPIC is no longer active and supported the sunset recommendation. 

01:56:26 PM  

Committee members discussed the discontinuation of the program. 


01:59:17 PM
Motion Introduce the draft bill Sunset EPIC Advisory Board as presented
Moved Gardner
Gardner Yes
Roberts Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Gonzales Excused
YES: 4   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
01:59:27 PM  

Senators Van Winkle and Moreno were assigned as the prime co-sponsors of the bill.  Committee members agreed to technical changes made by OLLS.


01:59:30 PM
Motion Move to allow Senator Moreno to co-sponsor the bill.
Moved Rodriguez
Van Winkle
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

Sunset Hearing for Defense Counsel on First Appearance Grant Program - Committee Discussion Only

01:59:37 PM  

Vivienne Belmont, representing Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform, Department of Regulatory Agencies, presented the sunset report about the Defense Counsel on First Appearance Grant Program. 

The report is found at this link:

Committee members asked questions about grant recipients and related distribution dollars.  Discussion ensued about the intent of the grant program and smaller municipalities. 


02:07:25 PM  

Meghan MacKillop, representing Colorado Municipal League, testified in support of continuing the program. 

Committee members asked questions about the financial burden of providing defense counsel on a first appearance.  Questions were raised about grant funds distribution.  Further questions were asked about how municipalities are notified about the availability of grant funds. 

02:15:05 PM  

Representatives from the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) testified about the program, including Bruce Eisenhauer, legislative liaison; Dave Bowman, deputy director, and Mitchell Cradduck, program manager.  They answered questions from the committee about funding and grant recipients.  

02:20:57 PM  

Committee discussion continued about data gathering, and defendants or offenses that are subject to the grant funds.   The DOLA representatives clarified that defendants who are facing the possibility of incarceration are certified to receive counsel on first appearance. 

The committee discussed adding a five year sunset to the draft bill. 



02:27:01 PM
Motion Amend draft bill Sunset Defense Counsel First Appearance to include a five year sunset
Moved Van Winkle
Van Winkle
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

02:28:19 PM
Motion Introduce the draft bill Sunset Defense Counsel First Appearance as amended
Moved Rodriguez
Gardner No
Roberts Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Gonzales Yes
YES: 4   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
02:28:21 PM  

Senator Rodriguez agreed to be the prime bill sponsor, and the committee approved OLLS to make technical changes as needed. 

Sunset Hearing on Human Trafficking Prevention Training - Committee Discussion Only

02:29:21 PM  

Jennifer Lockwood, representing Department of Regulatory Agencies, discussed the sunset report on human trafficking prevention training. 

The report may be read in its entirety here:

Kelly Kissell, representing Colorado Department of Public Safety - Division of Criminal Justice, testified about the program. 

Committee members asked questions about program registration and population served. 

02:36:48 PM
Motion Introduce draft bill Sunset Human Trafficking Prevention Training as presented
Moved Rodriguez
Gardner Yes
Roberts Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Gonzales Yes
YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
02:36:49 PM  

Senators Ginal and Van Winkle were designated as co-prime sponsors, with Senators Gardner, Rodriguez, and Gonzales as co-sponsors. 

Committee members did not object to OLLS making technical changes as needed. 

02:36:50 PM
Motion Allow Senator Ginal to co-sponsor the bill
Moved Rodriguez
Van Winkle
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

02:39:46 PM   The committee adjourned.