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s_jud_2016a_2016-02-18t07:49:05z0 Hearing Summary

Date: 02/18/2016


Briefing by Joint Budget Committee Pursuant to Joint Rule 25


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07:49 AM -- Briefing by Joint Budget Committee Pursuant to Joint Rule 25

The committee was called to order. The Joint Budget Committee (JBC) briefed the Joint Judiciary Committee on the FY 2016-17 budget outlook for the committees over which Judiciary has oversight. Committee members received a memorandum entitled Sources of Law Authorizing the Attorney General to Initiate Lawsuits, prepared by the Office of Legislative Legal Services (Attachment A) and the JBC FY 2016-17 Staff Budget Briefing Summary (the documents may be accessed at: ). Senator Lambert discussed Attachment A. Senator Steadman first provided an overview on the Department of Corrections budget for FY 2016-17. Senator Steadman responded to questions regarding the R5 provider rate decrease line item, and funding for private prison beds. Senator Lambert provided input on prison utilization and the attendant cost implications.

16JtJud0218Attach A.pdf16JtJud0218Attach A.pdf

08:00 AM

Senator Lambert responded to questions regarding the potential use of Colorado State Penitentiary II, which sits vacant. Discussion ensued on this issue. Discussion followed regarding housing out-of-state prisoners by private prisons in Colorado, and the potential repurposing of San Carlos Penitentiary in Pueblo. Senator Steadman responded to questions regarding developments with Colorado Correctional Industries, and the utilization of such programs in Colorado as compared to other states.

08:11 AM

Discussion continued regarding Colorado Correctional Industries programming. Senator Steadman next briefed the committee on the Judicial Branch FY 2016-17 budget outlook. Senator Steadman responded to questions regarding court-ordered competency evaluations and services, and the R3 offender treatment services program. Discussion ensued regarding the competency evaluation issue.

08:25 AM

Discussion ensued regarding an increase in funding for the Office of the State Public Defender. Senator Steadman briefed the committee on the Department of Law FY 2016-17 budget. Discussion ensued regarding ongoing expenses associated with the Lower North Fork Fire. Senator Steadman briefed the committee on the Department of Public Safety's budget outlook for FY 2016-17. Discussion followed regarding a reduction in crime rates in Colorado and nationwide, and potential state budget savings to be realized from this reduction. Discussion returned to budgeting for community corrections programming. Senator Steadman noted some forthcoming legislation of interest to the committee, and Senator Lambert discussed judges' salaries.

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