S_FIN_2022A 04/20/2022 01:33:23 PM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGSENATE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Date 04/20/2022 Attendance Hisey X Lee X Priola X Bridges X Gonzales X Time 01:33:23 PM to 02:39:12 PM Place Old Supreme Court This Meeting was called to order by Gonzales This Report was prepared by Katie Ruedebusch Hearing Items Action Taken hSB22-173 Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations hHB22-1212 Referred to Senate Appropriations hHB22-1154 Referred to Senate Appropriations hSB22-117 Postponed Indefinitely hHB22-1263 Referred to Senate Appropriations hHB22-1103 Referred to Senate Appropriations hHB22-1299 Referred to Senate Appropriations hHB22-1298 Referred to Senate Appropriations hSB22-198 Referred to Senate Appropriations hHB22-1241 Referred to Senate Appropriations SB22-173 - Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf/0/02C6358E48FD...$File/Attachment A.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf/0/2031B65FDE28...$File/Attachment B.pdf?OpenElement Attachment B.pdf 01:33:38 PM Sens. Rodriguez and Smallwood came back to Senate Finance to discuss Senate Bill 22-173. The bill was previously heard on April 13, 2022. 01:37:33 PM Motion Amendment L.005 (Attachment A) Moved Gonzales Seconded Hisey Lee Priola Bridges Gonzales YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection 01:39:57 PM Motion Adopt amendment L.006 (Attachment B) Moved Priola Seconded Hisey No Lee No Priola Yes Bridges No Gonzales No YES: 1 NO: 4 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: FAIL 01:41:29 PM The sponsors gave some closing remarks. 01:42:25 PM Motion Refer Senate Bill 22-173, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola Yes Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS HB22-1212 - Referred to Senate Appropriations 01:45:58 PM Motion Refer House Bill 22-1212 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola Yes Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS HB22-1154 - Referred to Senate Appropriations 01:46:44 PM Sen. Coram introduced House Bill 22-1154. The bill creates the Colorado Rotary special license plate. 01:49:15 PM Motion Refer House Bill 22-1154 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola No Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 4 NO: 1 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS SB22-117 - Postponed Indefinitely 01:49:34 PM Sens. Coram and Fields returned to discuss Senate Bill 22-117. The bill was previously heard by the committee on February 23, 2022. The sponsors requested the committee postpone the bill indefinitely. 01:51:26 PM Motion Postpone Senate Bill 22-117 indefinitely. Moved Bridges Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola Yes Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS HB22-1263 - Referred to Senate Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf/0/D7A564A36004...$File/Attachment C.pdf?OpenElement Attachment C.pdf 01:54:14 PM Sen. Buckner introduced House Bill 22-1263. This bill continues the regulation of acupuncturists in the Department of Regulatory Agencies, which is scheduled to repeal on September 1, 2022. Sen. Buckner distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment C). 02:00:43 PM Dr. Mark Johnson, representing the Colorado Medical Society, testified in support of the bill. Ms. LaraLee Hullinghorst, representing the Acupuncture Association of Colorado, testified in support of the bill. Dr. Steve Shomo, representing the Acupuncture Association of Colorado, testified in support of the bill. 02:02:26 PM Motion Refer House Bill 22-1263 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola Yes Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS HB22-1103 - Referred to Senate Appropriations 02:03:37 PM Sen. Coram and Fields introduced House Bill 22-1103. The bill creates the Delta Sigma Theta Special License Plate. Sen. Coram discussed the history behind the creation of the license plate and its connection to Montrose. 02:08:46 PM Motion Refer House Bill 22-1103 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola Yes Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS HB22-1299 - Referred to Senate Appropriations 02:09:06 PM Sens. Kolker and Fields introduced House Bill 22-1299. The bill transfers $3.7 million from the General Fund to the Division of Professions and Occupations Cash Fund to cover the cost of various boards that regulate mental health professionals and reduce licensing fees. 02:13:09 PM Motion Refer House Bill 22-1299 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola Yes Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS HB22-1298 - Referred to Senate Appropriations 02:13:27 PM Sens. Jaquez Lewis and Hinrichsen introduced House Bill 22-1298. The bill transfers $11.7 million from the General Fund to the Division of Professions and Occupations Cash Fund to fund the costs of the State Board of Nursing to regulate nurses, nurse aides, and psychiatric technicians. 02:17:24 PM Motion Refer House Bill 22-1298 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola Yes Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS SB22-198 - Referred to Senate Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf/0/9D20CFFA823A...$File/Document1.pdf?OpenElement Document1.pdf 02:17:54 PM President Fenberg and Senator Scott introduced Senate Bill 22-198. The bill creates the Orphaned Wells Mitigation Enterprise in the Department of Natural Resources to fund the plugging, reclaiming, and remediation of orphaned oil and gas wells by charging mitigation fees to oil and gas operators. The sponsors answered several committee questions. Written testimony may be found in Attachment D. 02:29:00 PM Motion Refer Senate Bill 22-198 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Priola Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola Yes Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS HB22-1241 - Referred to Senate Appropriations 02:29:13 PM Sen. Lee introduced House Bill 22-1241. The bill creates the Colorado CASA special license plate. 02:31:42 PM Ms. Jenny Bender, representing Colorado CASA, testified in support of the bill. 02:36:30 PM Motion Refer House Bill 22-1241 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Lee Seconded Hisey Yes Lee Yes Priola No Bridges Yes Gonzales Yes Final YES: 4 NO: 1 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 02:39:12 PM The committee adjourned.