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SE_HSCCR_2018A 04/25/2018 12:38:22 PM Committee Summary

Date 04/25/2018
Arndt X
Willett X
Wist E
Winter E
Hansen X
Time 12:38:22 PM to 01:59:20 PM
Place RM 271
This Meeting was called to order by Hansen
This Report was prepared by Meghan MacKillop
Hearing Items Action Taken
Power Supply, Storage, and Transmission Committee Discussion Only

Power Supply, Storage, and Transmission - Committee Discussion Only

12:38:35 PM  
Megan Gilman, Holy Cross Energy, introduced herself to the committee and provided the committee with a background of the utility. Ms. Gilman discussed steps Holy Cross has take to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions thorough rebates and other incentives, as well as utilizing other sources of energy, such as hydro and biomass. She stated that more than half of the holy cross demand comes from customers that have committed to using increasing amounts of renewable energy. She discussed trends impacting Holy Cross, including changes in delivery of power.
12:44:54 PM  

Troy Whitmore, United Power, introduced himself to the committee and provided the committee a background of United Power. United Power is a not-for profit electric cooperative owned by customer-members.  United Power's customer base is mainly in the northern front range of th state.

12:46:37 PM  

Jerry Marizza, United Power, introduced himself to the committee and discussed recent projects that increase the use of renewable energy at United Power. He discussed commercial level solar projects and how United Power distributes power from such projects. Since 2012, United Power has connected 3 additional solar fields, increasing their megawatts delivered by renewable energy. He discussed two utility battery projects, which are the largest battery projects in the state. On program is the community battery prgram, where customers can buy into a battery and have those credits applied to their accounts.  In this program commercial and industrial companies are allowed to participate, unlike solar community projects.  Mr. Marizza discussed educational efforts by United Power and the company's smart metering program, which helps to identify voltage issues and distribution issues.  Mr. Marizza also discussed technology allowing customers to see their energy usage online, allowing customers can monitor real impacts of their energy usage. He also discussed United Power's increased usage of electricvehicles and a recent contract with Tri-state Energy. 

12:54:59 PM  

Jack Ihle, Xcel Energy, introduced himself to the committee and discussed Xcel Energy's portfolio and priorities in providing service to customers. He discussed the type of energy Xcel invests in and the utility's reliance on wind energy. He discussed the governor's executive order, and how Xcel Energy is enacting policy to line up with the order. He discussed Colorado's energy plan and Xcel Energy's actions in enacting the energy plan. He also discussed Xcel's renewable energy portfolio.

01:04:02 PM  

Mr. Ihle responded to questions from the committee regarding environmental impacts of wind farms, such as the increased death of bats and birds in areas with wind farms. Ms. Whitmore and Mr. Marizza responded to questions regarding each utility's plans to reduce GHG emissions. The panel responded to questions regarding customer demand for renewable energy.

01:10:35 PM  
Tracee Bentley, American Petroleum Institute (API) and Colorado Petroleum Council, introduced herself to the committee and gave a brief background of API. Ms. Bentley discussed environmental stewardship and the Environmental Partnership. The Environmental Partnership was launched by API in 2017 and is a collaborative effort among oil and gas companies.
01:15:14 PM  

Michael Paules, API, discussed the Environmental Partnership in detail. The partnership is specific to Colorado and is based off of efforts that are already impacting the state. As a part of the partnership, a rulemaking process was initiatiated in 2017, which focused on increasing and updating requirements for the oil and gas industry to reduce emissions, speficially focusing on the increased use of electic vehicles. Mr. Paules discussed common best management practices in the oil and gas industry to reduce GHG emissions, such as more efficient drilling, green completions, less truck traffic, natural gas or electrically powered equipment, leak prevention, and land emission controls.

01:20:42 PM  

Dan Grossman, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), introduced himself to the committee and provided background on the EDF. Mr. Grossman discussed Regulation 7, which created more stringent air quality control measures in the state. He discussed ways in which the EDF collaborates with API and COGA in creating policies to decrease GHG and emissions.

01:24:47 PM  
Ms. Bentley and Mr. Grossman responded to questions from the committee regarding air regulations and policies that impact the oil and gas industry. The panel also discussed local control of municipalities in creating regulations for the industry. The panel responded to questions regarding next steps in maintaining air quality and environmental regulations for the oil and gas industry and statewide policies for the industry. Ms. Bentley responded to questions regarding the electrification of oils and gas rigs, and the increased demand in the industry.
01:36:07 PM  
Tom Plant, Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University, introduced himself to the committee and discussed GHG emissions in the state. He stated that there is a recent trend that shows that GHG emissions are caused more by the transportation sector, as opposed to the power sector. Mr. Plant discussed grid modernization in other states and problems that are identified with with the process.
01:45:32 PM  

Dr. Peter Newton, Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado, introduced himself and provided his background to the committee. He discussed the use of energy in different economic sectors and the effect of different industries on climate change. He stated that agriculture is a large cause of GHG emissions and discussed several principles in studying the effects of GHG and other emissions. He stated that policy sould be based on evidence, should be inclusive, and should embrace technolgies and innovations. He discussed genetically engineered crops and the benefit that they can have on the environment by reducing impacts of climate change. He discussed several scientific reports regarding gentically engineered crops, such as rice.  He also discussed other technologocial innovations, such as the development of clean meat grown from animal cells without a living animal. Dr. Newton discussed the behavioral changes that would occur with the increase of these technologies and how they would decrease dependance on animal products.

01:51:45 PM  

Aaron Bloom, Nationa Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), introduced himself to the committee and described NREL's objectives, including generation of power and conducting research. He discussed three interconnections and Colorado's electric system. He discussed renewable resources in Colorado and how to share those resrouces with other states. He also discussed the possiblity of reaching 100 percent renewable energy.

01:56:13 PM  

The panel responded to questions from the committee regarding the use of nuclear and micronuclear energy. Mr. Bloom stated that nuclear energy is a reliable source of non-carbon generating energy.

01:58:11 PM  

The committee made concluding comments and the chair adjourned the committee.

01:59:20 PM   Committee Adjourned

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