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J_LS_2019A 01/17/2019 07:45:44 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/17/2019
Foote E
Gardner E
Herod X
Rodriguez X
Snyder X
Soper E
Van Winkle E
Weissman X
Cooke X
Lee X
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Time 07:45:44 AM to 08:21:43 AM
Place HCR 0107
This Meeting was called to order by Senator Lee
This Report was prepared by Owen Colling
Hearing Items Action Taken
Appointment of two nonlegislative attorney members to the Statutory Revision Committee
Sponsorship of bills Committee Discussion Only
Scheduled meetings during the session Committee Discussion Only

Election of Chair and Vice-chair - Nominate Senator Lee as Chair

08:04:31 AM
Motion Nominate Senator Lee as Chair
Moved Weissman
Foote Excused
Gardner Excused
Soper Excused
Van Winkle Excused
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 4   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

Election of Chair and Vice-chair - Nominate Rep. Herod as Vice-chair

08:05:09 AM
Motion Nominate Rep. Herod as Vice-chair
Moved Cooke
Foote Excused
Gardner Excused
Soper Excused
Van Winkle Excused
Final YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 4   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

Appointment of two nonlegislative attorney members to the Statutory Revision Committee -

08:05:14 AM  

Kristen Forrestal, Senior Attorney, Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS), testified before the Committee concerning the charge of the Statutory Revision Committee. She explained that the Committee on Legal Services is statutorily charged with confirming the two nonlegislative members of the Statutory Revision Committee.

08:08:07 AM
Motion Reappoint Patrice Collins and Brad Ramming to the Statutory Revision Committee
Moved Cooke
Foote Excused
Gardner Excused
Herod Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Snyder Yes
Soper Excused
Van Winkle Excused
Weissman Yes
Cooke Yes
Lee Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 4   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Sponsorship of bills - Committee Discussion Only

08:09:26 AM  

Christy Chase, Assistant Director, OLLS, testified before the Committee concerning the sponsorship of the Committee's Title 12 Recodification bill. Representative Weissman agreed to be the House prime sponsor and Senators Lee and Rodriguez agreed to be Senate sponsors of the Title 12 Recodification bill. (At the December 2018 Committee meeting, Senators Cooke and Gardner agreed to be joint prime sponsors of the bill in the Senate.)

08:13:41 AM  

Jennifer Gilroy, Revisor of Statutes, OLLS, testified before the Committee concerning the Revisor's Bill that the Committee sponsors each year. Senator Lee agreed to be joint prime sponsor with Senator Gardner in the Senate, Representative Weissman agreed to be the prime sponsor in the House, and Senators Cooke and Rodriguez and Representatives Herod and Snyder agreed to be co-sponsors of the Revisor's Bill. The bill will originate in the Senate.

08:17:32 AM  

Jennifer Berman, Senior Attorney, OLLS, testified before the Committee concerning the Rule Review Bill, which extends rules that were promulgated between November 1, 2017, and November 1, 2018, except for rules that are listed in the bill that the members of the Committee have determined should not be extended. Senator Lee agreed to be prime sponsor of the bill in the Senate and Representatives Herod and Weissman agreed to be joint prime sponsors of the bill in the House.

Scheduled meetings during the session - Committee Discussion Only

03:25:00 PM  
The Committee agreed to meet on the first Thursday of each month during session from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m.

08:21:43 AM   The committee adjourned.