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J_JTC_2024A 12/17/2024 09:03:43 AM Committee Summary

Date 12/17/2024
Baisley X
Parenti X
Paschal (Rep-elect) X
Weinberg X
Priola E
Titone X
Time 09:03:43 AM to 02:29:37 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Titone
This Report was prepared by Samantha Falco
Hearing Items Action Taken
Department of Personnel Administration Committee Discussion Only
Department of Early Childhood Committee Discussion Only
Department of Education Committee Discussion Only
Department of Labor and Employment Committee Discussion Only
Lunch Committee Discussion Only
Colorado Community College System Committee Discussion Only
Colorado Broadband Office Update Committee Discussion Only
Department of Public Health and Environment Committee Discussion Only

Department of Personnel Administration - Committee Discussion Only

09:06:06 AM  
Tobin Follenweider, Deputy Director of Operations, Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA), presented to the committee on the department's multiple FY 2025-26 IT Capital Budget requests. Deputy Director Follenweider provided an overview of the four requests.

All department presentation materials can be accessed at and all committee materials, including budget requests and staff analyses, can be accessed at

09:10:52 AM  
Sarah Clark, Payroll Modernization Product Owner, DPA, presented to the committee on the department's Payroll Modernization request.
09:23:13 AM  
Presenters played
video materials for the committee.
09:34:04 AM  
Presenters responded to questions from the committee.
09:37:18 AM  
Deputy Director Follenweider presented to the committee on DPA's Procurement System request.
09:45:03 AM  
Deputy Director Follenweider
responded to questions from the committee.
09:50:59 AM  
Deputy Director Follenweider and Laura Broniak, Chief Judge, Office of Administrative Courts (OAC), presented to the committee on the department's OAC Court Management System request.
09:56:36 AM  
Presenters responded to questions from the committee.

Department of Early Childhood - Committee Discussion Only

10:01:47 AM  
Charles Flynn, Director
of Business Operations, Technology, and Security, Department of Early Childhood
(DEC), introduced the department's panel of presenters to the committee.
Jeanni Stefanik, DEC, presented to the committee on the department's IT
capital budget request. Sarah Dawson, Director, Colorado Childcare Assistance
Program, DEC, presented to the committee on the budget request.
10:12:22 AM  
Presenters responded to questions from the committee.

Department of Education - Committee Discussion Only

10:19:27 AM  
The committee took a brief recess.
10:29:39 AM  
The committee came back to order.
10:30:17 AM  
Andy Stine, Director of Capital Construction, Colorado Department of Education (CDE), presented to the committee on the department's IT capital budget Statewide Facility Assessments request.
10:36:19 AM  
Director Stine responded to questions from the committee.

Department of Labor and Employment - Committee Discussion Only

10:37:27 AM  
Jackie Jackson, Manager of Business Operations, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) presented to the committee on the department's Worker's Compensation System capital budget request.

Lunch - Committee Discussion Only

10:42:58 AM  
Samantha Falco, Legislative Council Staff, discussed future meeting dates with the committee.
10:45:38 AM  
The committee took a recess.
12:33:07 PM  
The committee came back to order.

Colorado Community College System - Committee Discussion Only

12:33:30 PM  
Joe Garcia, Chancellor,
Colorado Community College System, presented to the committee providing
an overview of community college IT capital budget requests.  
12:34:28 PM  
Chancellor Garcia expressed appreciation to the committee for review of previously funded capital requests as ell as information about the community college system in the state.
12:39:29 PM  
Lisa Jones, President,
and James Caldwell, Vice-President of Business, Colorado Northwest Community
College (CNCC) presented to the committee on the college's FY 2025-26 IT
capital budget Campus Redundancy Upgrade request.
12:44:41 PM  
Leland Byers, Director of IT, CNCC, provided additional details on the request.
12:52:30 PM  
Committee members provided comments on the request.
12:52:42 PM  
Dr. Kimberly Zant,
President, Otero College provided an overview of the college and it's capital
budget request for Campus Security and Cameras.
12:58:37 PM  
Shawn Borton, IT Director, Otero College, responded to questions from the committee.
01:03:19 PM  
Jennifer Johnston, Vice President of Business and Administrative Services, Otero College, responded to questions from the committee.
01:05:13 PM  
Lisa LeFevre, Vice President of Administrative Services, Northeastern Junior College, provided an overview to the committee of the college's Camera Upgrade capital budget request.
01:06:58 PM  
Dr. Mordecai Brownlee,
President, Community College of Aurora (CCA), presented to the committee
on the college's capital budget request regarding Campus Technology Upgrades.
01:18:12 PM  
Dr. Bobby Pace, Vice President of Academic Success, CCA, responded to questions from the committee.
01:20:12 PM  
Landon Pirius, President, Red Rocks Community College, presented to the committee on the college's capital budget request. Red Rocks is requesting funds for Safety and Security Upgrades.
01:24:38 PM  
Bryan Byrant, Vice President of Administrative Services, Red Rocks Community College, responded to questions from the committee.
01:25:16 PM  
Brandon Haiges, Director of IT, Red Rocks Community College, responded to questions from the committee.
01:28:33 PM  
Chancellor Garcia provided final comments on the community colleges requests.

Colorado Broadband Office Update - Committee Discussion Only

01:31:02 PM  
Brandy Reitter, Executive
Director, Colorado Broadband Office (CBO), provided an update to the committee
on the work of the office
01:46:53 PM  
Director Reitter
provided additional details on the progress of the CBO in accomplishing
its goals of expanding access and distributing grant funds throughout the

Department of Public Health and Environment - Committee Discussion Only

01:54:17 PM  
Erick Scheminske, Chief Operating Officer, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) introduced the panel of presenters. Brett Reeder, Nutrition Services Branch Director, CDPHE, provided information on the COWIC capital budget request.
02:03:23 PM  
Mr. Reeder responded to questions from the committee.
02:03:34 PM  
Adam Wozniak, Stationary Sources Product Owner, CDPHE, presented to the committee on the Stationary Sources capital budget request.
02:09:41 PM  
Mr. Wozniak provided
a demonstration of the system for the committee.
02:18:52 PM  
Mr. Wozniak responded to questions from the committee.
02:22:25 PM  
Mr. Scheminske responded to questions from the committee regarding the Water Quality Control Division budget request.

02:27:47 PM
Samantha Falco, Legislative Council Staff, provided closing comments on future committee actions.

02:29:37 PM   The committee adjourned.