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J_JTC_2022A 01/25/2022 10:02:58 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/25/2022
Baisley X
Bernett X
Kolker X
Priola X
Bridges *
Titone X
Time 10:02:58 AM to 03:32:53 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Titone
This Report was prepared by Colin Schroeder
Hearing Items Action Taken
Presentation on Technical Debt from Teri Takai, Vice President of e.Republic Committee Discussion Only
Break for House and Senate Floor Work Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Governor's Office of Information Technology on FY 2022-23 Budget Requests Vote to recommend funding OIT's FY 2022-23 operating budget requests
Executive Session Pursuant to Section 24-6-402 (3), C.R.S., to Discuss Cybersecurity in the State Committee Discussion Only
Lunch Break Committee Discussion Only
FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: Department of Personnel and Administration - CORE Upgrades Committee Discussion Only
FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: Department of Personnel and Administration - Payroll Modernization Committee Discussion Only
FY 2022-23 Dept. of Agriculture R-07 Operating Budget Request: Agriculture Licensing and Registration System Recommend JBC approve R-07
FY 2022-23 Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs R-04 Operating Budget Request: Department Automation and Improvement Recommend JBC approve R-04
FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: CDPHE Stationary Sources Solution Modernization Committee Discussion Only
CDPHE IT Project Updates Committee Discussion Only

Presentation on Technical Debt from Teri Takai, Vice President of e.Republic - Committee Discussion Only

10:05:09 AM  
The meeting was called to order by Chair Titone.
10:06:11 AM  
Teri Takai, Vice
President of e.Republic, the Center for Digital Government's Digital States
Performance Institute, and the Content Studio, gave a presentation on technical
debt.  The presentation can be found here:

Ms. Takai explained
the goals for information technology in the state.  She then explained
what the term "technical debt" means, and what the various elements
of technical debt are- aging infrastructure; aging software that supports
agencies; and, aging software that supports citizens.  Ms. Takai explained
to the committee why technical debt is important, and the impacts of technical
debt.  She also explained to the committee how technical debt is evaluated,
and what factors contribute to that evaluation.  Ms. Takai spoke about
the technical debt lifecycle.  
10:23:16 AM  
Ms. Takai responded to questions from the committee regarding hardware leasing and cloud technology leasing agreements. She offered to provide the committee with samples of leasing agreements.
10:26:36 AM  
Members of the committee
inquired about capital expenditures versus operating expenditures.  Ms.
Takai explained that there needs to be a shift from an accounting perspective
to a year over year expenditure format.  She also spoke about the
benefits of leasing versus buying, and how there are now companies that
provide a hardware/switching service, providing more potential flexibility.

Break for House and Senate Floor Work - Committee Discussion Only

Presentation from Governor's Office of Information Technology on FY 2022-23 Budget Requests - Request bill draft on topic of broadband fixes

11:07:44 AM  
Representatives from
the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT), including: Tony
Neal-Graves, Chief Information Officer; Julia Richman, Deputy Executive
Director; William Chumley, Interim Chief Information Security Officer;
and, Michael McReynolds, Legislative Liason, presented on OIT's FY2022-23
operating budget requests.  The presentation can be found here:
11:09:32 AM  
Mr. Neal-Graves provided the committee with an overview of OIT's agenda.
11:10:30 AM  
Deputy Executive Director Richman provided the committee with an overview of OIT's budget requests. Ms. Richman went into detail regarding the cost of each of the department's requests.
11:13:09 AM  
Ms. Richman provided the committee with an explanation of how the department plans on using the requested funds to address the state's technical debt. Ms. Richman also responded to questions from the committee regarding the timelines of the projects.
11:17:26 AM  
Ms. Richman provided the committee with an overview of R-02: Testing Solutions Support; R-03: Veterans Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program; R-04: PEAK Call Center Staffing; R-05: Interagency Agreement Spending Authority and FTE; BA-01: Technology Accessibility Program; and, BA-02: CBMS- OIT Administration Allocation.
11:21:41 AM  
Mr. McReynolds provided
the committee with legislative updates related to OIT.  Mr. McReynolds
also spoke about statutory changes related to broadband that OIT has identified
as being necessary.  

11:25:39 AM
Motion Request bill draft on topic of broadband fixes
Moved Bridges
Baisley Yes
Bernett Yes
Kolker Yes
Priola Yes
Bridges Yes
Titone Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Presentation from Governor's Office of Information Technology on FY 2022-23 Budget Requests - Vote to recommend funding OIT's FY 2022-23 operating budget requests

11:26:09 AM  
Mr. Chumley provided
the committee with an overview of cybersecurity issues that OIT has identified
within the state.  Mr. Chumley also responded to questions from the
committee regarding the origin of cybersecurity attacks in the state.  Mr.
Chumley explained that the department has a list of blacklist countries.
11:32:50 AM  
Ms. Richman responded to questions from the committee regarding the state's tech debt, and why the department's request is less than the overall amount of tech debt.
11:34:33 AM  
Ms. Richman responded to questions from the committee about the potential for the requested upgrades to reduce tech debt. She explained that by paying down the existing tech debt, the department can avoid incurring additional tech debt.

11:39:49 AM
Motion Send letter to JBC in support of OIT R-02, R-03, R-04, R-05, BA-01, BA-02
Moved Bridges
Baisley Yes
Bernett Yes
Kolker Yes
Priola Yes
Bridges Yes
Titone Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

11:41:31 AM
Motion Convene an executive session pursuant to Section 24-6-402 (3)(a)(IV) to discuss recent cybersecurity issues with the Colorado Governor’s Office of Information Technology.
Moved Bridges
Baisley Yes
Bernett Yes
Kolker Yes
Priola Yes
Bridges Yes
Titone Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Executive Session Pursuant to Section 24-6-402 (3), C.R.S., to Discuss Cybersecurity in the State - Committee Discussion Only

11:44:36 AM  
Representatives from OIT provided information to the committee on cybersecurity issues in an executive session pursuant to Section 24-6-402 (3)(IV), C.R.S.

12:14:55 PM
Motion Adjourn the executive session and reconvene the regular public session of the committee meeting.
Moved Bridges
Baisley Yes
Bernett Yes
Kolker Yes
Priola Yes
Bridges Yes
Titone Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Lunch Break - Committee Discussion Only

12:15:07 PM  
The committee recessed for lunch.

FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: Department of Personnel and Administration - Payroll Modernization - Committee Discussion Only

01:33:35 PM  
Representatives from
the Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA) gave a presentation
to the committee regarding the department's FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget
Request: Payroll Modernization, as well as their FY 2022-23 IT Capital
Budget Request: CORE Upgrades.  Their presentation can be found here:

FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: Department of Personnel and Administration - CORE Upgrades - Committee Discussion Only

01:37:47 PM  
Tobin Follenweider,
Deputy Executive Director of the Department of Personnel and Administration
(DPA), presented to the committee regarding the department's FY 2022-23
IT Capital Budget Request: CORE Upgrades. The presentation can be found

01:38:53 PM  
Deputy Director Follenweider
discussed why the department believes the budget request is necessary,
and provided the committee with an overview of the costs associated with
the CORE system upgrades.  He also explained the anticipated benefits/improvements
associated with the system upgrades, should funding be approved.  Additionally,
Director Follenweider explained the department's anticipated timeline for
the project.  
01:43:28 PM  
Members of the committee asked representatives from DPA about the costs associated with the CORE system upgrades. Cameron Bellamy, Budget Director for DPA, responded to these questions and explained the cost breakdowns.

FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: Department of Personnel and Administration - Payroll Modernization - Committee Discussion Only

01:49:17 PM  
Deputy Director Follenweider
provided the committee with an overview of the department's FY2022-23 IT
Capital Budget Request: Payroll Modernization.  Deputy Director Follenweider
highlighted the key drivers as to why the department believes the request
to be necessary.  He also spoke about the difficulties associated
with maintaining the state's current payroll system.  
01:52:57 PM  
Deputy Director Follenweider
explained to the committee some of the research and background information
that the department gathered during the process of creating their budget
01:57:42 PM  
Members of the committee asked the representatives from DPA about possible avenues for the department to work with OIT and share resources, including employees. Representatives from DPA explained that their hope is to retain the employees they hire to implement the system in order to continue ongoing maintenance of the system.
02:00:04 PM  
Deputy Director Follenweider
responded to questions from the committee regarding the department's anticipated
approach in regard to utilizing off the shelf products or a custom-built
02:04:47 PM  
Members of the committee asked DPA representatives about whether Colorado Digital Services (CDS) was involved in the selection process for a vendor for the project. Members also inquired about the anticipated timeline for deployment of the new system. Tony Neal-Graves, Director of OIT, explained that a specific timeline is difficult to identify due to the various processes involved in establishing the new system, and migrating data from the old system.
02:09:35 PM  
Members of the committee
inquired about the various frequencies of pay (bi-weekly, monthly, weekly,
etc) that will be possible under the new system, and whether or not the
new system will support these different frequencies.  Deputy Director
Follenweider explained that the department's goal is to be able to accommodate
different pay frequencies, but that these accommodations will require statutory

FY 2022-23 Dept. of Agriculture R-07 Operating Budget Request: Agriculture Licensing and Registration System - Recommend JBC approve R-07

02:14:09 PM  
Representatives from
the Department of Agriculture provided the committee with their presentation
on their FY 2022-23 R-07 Operating Budget Request: Agriculture Licensing
and Registration System.  The presentation can be found here:
02:15:48 PM  
Rich Medina, OIT IT Director for the Department of Agriculture, provided the committee with background information regarding the department's budget request. Mr. Medina also provided the committee with the timeline of events leading up to present day that have contributed to the department's request. He explained that many of the systems in place are legacy systems without adequate ability to continue operating and maintaining them.
02:19:59 PM  
Mr. Medina explained
how the department has utilized an outside vendor  to provide an analysis
and help identify the department's needs moving forward.  He also
provided the committee with a list of the department's various partners
that have been involved in the process.    
02:24:27 PM  
Members of the committee asked about the potential to integrate the new system into existing systems, and whether that will be a possibility. Mr. Medina explained that the department hopes to integrate with systems wherever possible.

02:33:38 PM
Motion Recommend JBC approve R-07
Moved Bridges
Baisley Yes
Bernett Yes
Kolker Yes
Priola Yes
Bridges Yes
Titone Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

FY 2022-23 Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs R-04 Operating Budget Request: Department Automation and Improvement - Recommend JBC approve R-04

02:33:47 PM  
Greg Dorman, Interim
Deputy Executive Director of the Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
(DMVA) presented to the committee on their FY 2022-23 Operating Budget
Request: Department Automation and Improvement.  The presentation
can be found here:

Director Dorman was also joined by Rich Medina, OIT Director for DMVA.
02:35:35 PM  
Director Dorman provided the committee with an overview of the department's request, including the department's mission and vision. He also provided the committee with information regarding the costs associated with the request, and why the department believes the request to be necessary.
02:42:38 PM  
Members of the committee inquired about pricing associated with using Microsoft as opposed to Google. Representatives from DMVA explained that they are utilizing Microsoft in conjunction with OIT contracts.
02:45:43 PM  
Members of the committee asked DMVA representatives if the request is approved, how long full implementation of the new system will take. Representatives informed the committee that their expectation is that implementation will be completed by the end of the fiscal year.

02:48:26 PM
Motion Recommend JBC approve R-04
Moved Bridges
Baisley Yes
Bernett Yes
Kolker Yes
Priola Yes
Bridges Yes
Titone Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: CDPHE Stationary Sources Solution Modernization - Committee Discussion Only

02:48:43 PM  
The committee took a short recess.
02:49:24 PM  
The committee reconvened.
02:52:37 PM  
Representatives from
the Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) presented to the
committee on their FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: Stationary Sources
Solution Modernization.  The presentation can be found here:
02:53:51 PM  
Michael Ogletree, Division Director, Air Pollution Control Division, provided the committee with an overview of CDPHE's request. Director Ogletree also provided the committee with background information on the project, explaining why the department believes the request to be necessary. Director Ogletree also provided the committee with the anticipated outcomes and deliverables with the new project.
02:56:28 PM  
Representatives from CDPHE responded to questions from the committee about the development process for the project, including how the department identified which contractors to use. Director Ogletree explained that the department plans to utilize existing technology, while integrating the new technology for the project. Andrew Putnam, Environmental Information Manager, also explained that the department wishes to build the project in a modular format, in order to get new solutions implemented as they are developed.
03:00:47 PM  
Members of the committee asked representatives from CDPHE what user group they have in mind for the new project. Director Ogletree explained that the department has worked with both internal users and external users. Mr. Putnam then responded to questions regarding the order in which the various modules of the project will be implemented, and how the department determined this order.

CDPHE IT Project Updates - Committee Discussion Only

03:10:53 PM  
Representatives from
CDPHE provided the committee with updates on the department's major IT
Capital projects.  Chris Wells, Division Director, Center for Health
and Environmental Information, gave the committee an overview of these
03:17:18 PM  
Mr. Wells informed
the committee of the department's progress on the Electronic Birth Registration
System Replacement Project and highlighted some of the issues that the
department is encountering.  
03:20:40 PM  
Andrea Elmquist,
Disease Control and Public Health Response (DCPHR), Technology Branch Director,
provided the committee with an update on the Disease Surveillance System
Modernization project.
03:22:24 PM  
Members of the committee asked Ms. Elmquist about whether the system will be an off-the-shelf product, or a custom-built solution. Ms. Elmquist informed the committee that the department anticipates using off-the-shelf products.
03:26:37 PM  
Emily Travanty, DCPHR Laboratory Director, provided the committee with an update on the Newborn Screening Information Management System. Ms. Travanty informed the committee that the project is in the contract legal review phase, and that the anticipated completion date is December 2022.

03:32:53 PM   The committee adjourned.